Hello Fellow Steemchurch Parishioners, I will be sharing a very important topic titled 'UNDERSTANDING RIGHTEOUSNESS'

Be enlightened as you read.

For with the heart man BELIEVETH unto RIGHTEOUSNESS...
Romans 10:10

For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of THE GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.
Romans 5:17

We glean two significant facts about righteousness from these verses:

  1. With the heart man BELIEVES unto righteousness.
  2. Righteousness is a GIFT.


Righteousness means right standing with God.. We have right standing with God, not because of what we did, but because of what Jesus did for us in God's great plan of redemption.

The newborn babe in Christ has as good a standing with God and can get an answer to prayer just as quickly the mature saint who has lived many years for God.

Too often we associate righteousness with good works. The Bible teaches that good works and right conduct are important, of course.

But, all our good works and all our right conduct could never make us righteous.
If they could, we wouldn't need Jesus.

We have mistakenly thought we might somehow grow into righteousness.
Thank God, we can grow in the Lord and can develop Spiritually.
But, righteousness is not something we can work to attain.
We cannot grow into righteousness; it us a GIFT from God.

If you have been born again, you will never be more righteous than you are now. You won't be any more righteous when you get to Heaven than you are at this moment.

How do you become righteous?.
By believing into righteousness-Romans 10:10, and receiving the gift of righteousness-Romans 5:17

Romans 3:21-22
21 But now THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GID without the law IS MANIFESTED, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;
22Even the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD which us BY FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST unto all and upon ALL them that BELIEVE...

When you were born again, you became a new man in Christ Jesus-a new creation-and you were made the righteousness of God in Him-2nd Corinthians 5:17
In the new birth, you were born righteous!.

Understand that you were made righteous by grace and not by your works be continued

Thank you for reading
With Love from Adedoyinwealth


We were made righteous the moment we became born again in Christ Jesus.

Thank you for your contribution
Upvoted and resteemed

I love your definition of the word Righteousness. There's no two ways about it. You can't claim to be righteousness and you're not in the right tune with God which can only come by grace and not your works.

Excellent post @adedoyinwealth, thank you for sharing

Thank you for reading Dear.

Yeah, moreover, the righteousness we have is imputed on us. Thanks to Christ Jesus for being the token of ransom and qualification for us.

Well said Bro. Thanks for stopping by .

Understand that you were made righteous by grace and not by your works

We sometimes fails to understand this fact.....our works are but a filthy rag before the Lord.
Thanks @adedoyinwealth for sharing

Thanks for stopping by Sweetie.

Awesome post from which my take and keynote is " our works (good) do not translate to righteousness " more or less our sincerity doesn't make for God's righteousness.
Thanks for sharing @adedoyinwealth.

Still Elisedaniels...Love for the Gospel.

Nice writeup. It did bless me!
I love this point; one that everyone must understand:

We cannot grow into righteousness; it us a GIFT from God.

Thanks for sharing @adedoyinwealth.

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