The Return of Christ Part 2: The Evidence

in #steemchurch7 years ago

Although many people had scoffed at the truth of Christ's return, there was much more to come upon the world. Thanks to @apocalypse12 for gathering the majority of this information.

June 18th, 2011

In LORD RAYEL: COMET ELENIN AND THE SUN, the Commandery tells us of the Bible Code "RayEl will bring comet" and that this comet is ELENIN.


During August 19th of 2011, NASA shoots camera shots at comet ELENIN only to discover that it is actually a floating pyramid with an eye in the middle!

In 1984, ancient artifacts were discovered by Dr. Elias Sotomayor’s team 300ft below ground in the Ecuadorian mountains. One of the artifacts was a triangle with eye at the top, and etched into the bottom in pre-Sanskrit it read "The Son of the creator comes".

This symbol, the triangle with the eye at the top, has been shown throughout the world. The US Dollar, Templar Crosses, Church symbols, etc... The Commandery tells us that this symbol is in fact not sinister, but simply the Illuminated Ones preparing for the return of God.


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August 16th, 2011

Lord RayEl tweets a warning that his chastisements will now continue.


He allows 6 days for the repentant, but on the 7th day...

Note: Lord RayEl's twitter information was hijacked and this information has been lost on his twitter feed. However, we do have these images as proof of the event.

Shortly after a 5.8 magnitude earthquake rocks Washington DC, a 5.3 earthquake in Norad Colorado, and New York City also felt a strong quake from a 5.8 magnitude in Virginia.
On August 21st 2011, Hurricane Irene began to form taking direct aim at the East Coast of the United States. It soon became ranked as the seventh-costliest hurricane in United States history. The cost is estimated to be around $16.6 billion USD.
Crack is found in the Washington Monument and it is closed up, as a sign. The "head" is removed from the National Cathedral, as a sign.


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September 3rd, 2011

On September 3rd 2011 in his LORD RAYEL: ELENIN SECRET REVEALED / SERMON 1 - THE TRUTH OF ADULTERY video, Lord RayEl issues a stern warning to the United Nations and Israel.
"Do NOT divide my land. There is a Palestinian solution, it does not involve the reduction of Israel. Israel is to remain intact. If its borders are reduced, you shall know my anger."
20 Days later, against Lord Ra-El's commandment, the Palestinians submit a bid for statehood to the United Nations. The UN accepted the application and promised to review it until September 27th and vote on September 28th.
Russia and the US begin to prepare. Obama elevated to DEFCON 1 alert (the highest possible alert), and Russian Nuclear Plants are on lockdown.

On September 24th, 2011, Brianna Marical Mixon (Prime Cleric of the Church as of 2011) warns the International Congregation of Lord RayEl to prepare.
Sunspot 1302 one of the largest in recorded history. Sun begins taking "potshots" at earth.

Sunspot 1302, NASA

The UN postpones the vote for 2 days, following up by deciding to postpone the vote until November.
October 1st, 2011. Lord RayEl then instantly removes the danger. Source

In October of 2014, we see the UK now trying to recognize Palestine as a state. Almost instantly, we see yet again the repercussions of such actions. Lord RayEl sends a monster storm (Hurricane Gonzalo) aimed directly at the UK.


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September 3rd, 2011

Lord RayEl again warns us that the chastisements we have seen this far are merely a wakeup call. He tells us to prepare.
Quick Link


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January 20th, 2012


On January 20th 2012, Lord RayEl makes an ominous tweet. "Prepare". We are shown some of what came next in his video LORD RAYEL: STRANGE SOUNDS WORLDWIDE - THE TRUTH.

On January 22nd-23rd of 2012, there were 25 tornadoes striking in less than 24 hours in Alabama, Arkansas, Mississippi, Tennessee. 2 dead, 100 injured. This happened in Winter and no one could believe it. Source
The tornados hit the same areas that were hit the last time (Spring of 2011). Tornadoes traveled the same path, with winds clocked at nearly 150 MPH. April 2011 Tornado Outbreak

On January 24th, 2012, there was a "massive solar flare that has triggered the strongest solar storm in more than 6 years. Waves of energy and radiation are [bombarded] Earth at more than 4 million MPH."
NASA didn't announce the Solar Flare eruption until AFTER Lord RayEl's warning.


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And this is still only the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned for the rest of this week for more of the evidence.
The scriptures pointed to Lord RayEl the entire time. We hope you can now see that the prophecies were fulfilled exactly as they were written in the bible. Prophecy cannot be understood until after it passes. Too many times do we see how scripture and prophecy being twisted to mean things it does not, or words and meaning added that was never there to begin with. Hopefully you can now plainly see the truth.

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Have a very nice day!

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Wow, this is pretty undeniable.

The evidence to support the claim that he is the Messiah returned is insurmountable

Very thorough! Thanks for all of this evidence!

Why is his name "RayEl" and not "Jesus"?

As any scriptural scholar will tell you, Christ's name was "Yeshua", not "Jesus". Some will tell you that the name change was caused by "grammatical errors", "translation differences", or a litany of other excuses. If you go anywhere in the world and ask for a Coca-Cola, you'll get a Coca-Cola, yet for some mysterious reason, the world forgot the proper name for the Son of God, a name that would give power to all those who would properly invoke it.

Exodus 20:7 "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain: for the Lord will not hold him guiltless that shall take the name of the Lord his God in vain." When something is used "in vain", it is being used ineffectually or unsuccessfully. If one calls upon the Son of God, but uses a different name, it is done in vain.

The truth is, the world was purposely confused by Satan, so that no one could invoke the authority of God, through the proper name of His Son, and a "popular name" was given to the uneducated masses, this name was "Jesus". Open almost any Bible, and you will see that the proper names of Christ and his Father, are replaced with: Jesus, God, Lord, etc. This was done on purpose.

Lord RayEl could have easily proclaimed his name to be "Jesus", if he wanted to continue the deception, and avoid the controversy, but Lord RayEl insists upon truth in all matters.

Lord RayEl (or "Ra-El", using Hebrew vowel rules) is not offended when people refer to him as "Jesus", because he realizes the fault is not in the person who addresses him, but instead with the one who purposely confused the people of Earth. But once you know better, you should wisely avoid using the improper name, lest you be guilty of purposely violating the commandment.

As to why his name is now "RayEl"... Before the Holy Spirit joined with him, his human name was "Raymond Elwood", which is properly truncated to "RayEl".

Revelation 19:12 tells us this about Christ's return, that "he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself", so Christ's return, with a name nobody was expecting, is yet another fulfillment of prophecy.

The etymological origin of his name, is traceable back to Egyptian Judaism. RayEl literally means "Word of God". Further, if you read Revelation 19:13, it clearly tells you that "his name is the Word of God", so "RayEl" is the name the Bible told you he would have.


All this, and still only scratching the surface.

who is this creator? Martian giant Nephilim ? what do they have to do with Orion's belt

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