The Return of Christ Part 1: The Evidence

in #steemchurch7 years ago

We at ABN have discussed the return of Christ many times as the one we call Lord RayEl. This will be a multiple part series showing you ALL the evidence since his return in 2011. Look out for parts 2-5 starting Monday!

May 21st 2011

In Lord RayEl's Address to the World, he warns the Christians of America that he is going to bitterly chastise them.
One week later, in 'LORD RAYEL: "You were warned"... we see that Lord RayEl quickly acted upon his word.
Lord RayEl confirms his chastisement is going to take place.
May 22nd, 2011. Center of America's "Bible Belt" is nearly wiped off the map.
Joplin Missouri ravaged by massive tornado.

Why did he punish American Christians first? Quite simply, because they spread a false version of the gospel around the world. See 1 Peter 4:17


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May 21st, 2011

In Lord RayEl's Address to the World, he tells the people of America to come out of Babylon or suffer the fate that will befall Satan.
Whether you can accept it or not, this is the modern day Exodus. As the Jews were commanded to leave Egypt by Moses, so too are the inhabitants of The United States of America ordered to leave by Lord RayEl.
Lord RayEl goes on to explain how America has become boastful, wicked, and haughty, and that it has a "plague of demons" within her. He mentions how we have more people imprisoned than any other nation (the majority being Christian), and how America has poisoned her own people with the enchantment of Pharmacia. He tells us how America is under Satan's rule and dictatorship, and promptly orders all within to leave or suffer his punishment.
Lord RayEl has sent this message to all who will listen, in order to be saved from the final judgement that will fall upon that nation.


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  • Exodus from Babylon: LEAVE AMERICA! - Biblical Fulfillments

May 21st, 2011

Lord RayEl warns the people of Earth to yield to him now and he shall restore peace, otherwise he will "...reign fire from the sky, ...shake [the] land, and darken [the] sun!"
25 Days Later...

  • The Sun goes into period of very low activity.
  • Scientists say there is a "threat of mini ice age".
  • Sun spot hibernation occurs, and the worlds scientists are baffled without explanation.
  • Scientists say this is "highly unusual & unexpected".


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May 21st, 2011

Lord RayEl informs us that the Armies of Heaven are fast approaching.

(Above) Mass UFO sighting over Carmichael, California 13-Aug-2011

If you check the sources below, The National UFO reporting center had a total of 5,562 UFO reports during 2011.
A notable sighting is the Ancient Egyptian Winged Sun-Disc symbol seen in a July 2011 video in France.
Peter Davenport (Head of the National UFO Reporting Center) appeared on Coast to Coast AM Radio in October 2011, and basically went on to state

...he has never been so inundated with reports in all the years he has been doing this crazy job.

From September 1st through 31st 2011, there were reports of over 516 fireballs in that one month alone. Keep in mind that vast majority of fireballs go unreported.
It is also noteworthy to mention that the American Meteor Society reports over 1,625 fireball events for the entire year of 2011, and 2150 events for 2012!
In LORD RAYEL: STRANGE SOUNDS WORLDWIDE - THE TRUTH (Jan 28, 2012), we are informed that most of the fleet has already arrived.


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May 28th, 2011

Lord RayEl warns those in power to heed the King, or their punishment will be magnified.

Well, this one is quite easy to discern.


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May 28th, 2011

Lord RayEl proclaims that the Church age is over, and to come out of the churches now.
He says that he will now raise a new priesthood who will bring greater glory to the Father.
This is also a direct reference to the Testament of Levi 5:12-14.

Some notable symbolisms which Lord RayEl has claimed responsibility for, are:
A crack in the Washington Monument and it was closed up. The symbol of America's power.
The "head" of the National Cathedral removed.
In LORD RAYEL: THIS IS WAR - TORNADOES - THE RAPTURE, we are shown the St. Joseph Catholic Church in Ridgeway Illinois. It was destroyed, but the alter was left standing.


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June 4th, 2011

We are told by the Commandery that Lord RayEl intends to begin teaching "hidden knowledge" to the public very shortly.
Lord RayEl quickly keeps his word, and begins his next video one week later on an introduction to the human soul/spirit.


  • Christians have not been born again because they stood up in church and said they believe in Christ.
  • The death process & the tunnel of light explanation. The "Kingdom of God" vs. "The Kingdom of Earth". See John 18:36
  • Flesh and blood cannot enter the tunnel, only the spirit or the soul can. This is verified in Corinthians 15:50.
  • John 3:3 uses the phrase "born again". It was not meant to be literal, but rather as a way to describe entering into the Father's kingdom.
  • An in-depth explanation of the human spirit and soul.
  • The universe is composed of vibrations, and all matter vibrates.
  • An explanation of the 'phasic state' of the soul/spirit.
  • The past entrapment of souls on earth by Satan, and how RayEl intervened and died on the cross for us. This was in order to open the portal so souls could cross through.
  • Portal technology, and how RayEl holds the "keys to death and Hades" spoken of in Revelation 1:18.
  • Many souls chose to come back to earth in order to make themselves more presentable to God.
  • Lord RayEl then promises to teach us the following over the next few videos: The method in which our ships will be able to travel faster than light, the reason why there are multiple races upon this earth, a further explanation of "the harvest", and what was truly meant by the "do not commit adultery" commandment.

Again, Lord RayEl is quick to keep his word. In his September 3rd, 2011 video "LORD RAYEL: ELENIN SECRET REVEALED / SERMON 1 - THE TRUTH OF ADULTERY", we are told more hidden knowledge and what was actually meant by the adultery commandment.

Video Highlights:

  • Sex is not wrong in the eyes of God or RayEl. The only restriction that he places upon sex is that it is consensual.
  • Love in whatever form it takes is good.
  • Adultery is not the act of fornication with someone other than your spouse. Instead, it is producing an offspring outside of your genetic line.
  • The grand intention was to place humans here on Earth in order to give us time to spiritually evolve. There were others in the region that saw this opportunity to place their seedlines here on earth in order to grow souls into maturity.
  • There are certain inherent traits among the races of this planet.
  • The seeder races did not want the races intermingled because it makes it difficult for a mixed seedline soul to find a place to reside after this life.
  • Nations of the world that are homogeneous are less prone to violence. Those who have been mixed are quite the opposite.
  • When you produce such a mixed offspring, it takes several generations to restore the original level of genetic integrity.
  • Deuteronomy 23:2 tells us that "No one born of a forbidden marriage nor any of their descendants may enter the assembly of the LORD, not even in the tenth generation."
  • The assembly was to remain a pure seedline. If a member of the assembly bears a child of mixed seed, it would take 10 generations of their offspring to be genetically pure enough to re-enter the assembly (and procreate with them). Source
  • Uncontrolled mixed breeding led to the flood of Noah.
  • In Genesis 6:1-2, we learn that the sons of God saw that the daughters of humans were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose.
  • The coupling of these two races led to the creation of a third race, a terrible race so in need of dispatch, that the flood was the truly only viable solution.
  • The "third race" here is of course the NEPHALIM (The Giants of Old, the men of renown).
  • Genesis 6:9 tells us how Noah was "perfect in his generations". This means that there was no mixed seedline within him. He was genetically pure, and for that reason he was preserved.
  • It is Satan who made the United States what it is today. It is Nebekenezer's feet of Iron and Clay. A powerful nation, but so terribly mixed that it cannot adhere to itself.
  • These brittle feet support the world, and when they finally crumble the Kingdoms of the World will follow. When the beast is brought low, it shall be replaced with the Kingdom of Love.

In LORD RAYEL: THIS IS WAR - TORNADOES - THE RAPTURE, the Commandery explains "The Rapture". It is not what you think. When people die, some are accepted and some are rejected. It is that simple. Lord RayEl has been causing their deaths by hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. (The Harvest).See 1 Thessalonians 4:17 and Matthew 24:40-41.
In LORD RAYEL: THE TEMPEST we learn that when the Bible says a day that it really means a year.


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The scriptures pointed to Lord RayEl the entire time. We hope you can now see that the prophecies were fulfilled exactly as they were written in the bible. Prophecy cannot be understood until after it passes. Too many times do we see how scripture and prophecy being twisted to mean things it does not, or words and meaning added that was never there to begin with. Hopefully you can now plainly see the truth.

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Have a very nice day!

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i just follow and upvote to your post ,, so kindly follow me back and upvote at given link ,, then i will upvote to your five more posts

So much had happened in the first month!

This is a great compilation of evidence! Thanks for sharing this! :)

This was very well written! True deep evidence!

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