The Arch Of Baal Erected In Washington DC During Sukkot

in #steemchurch6 years ago

Sukkot, more affectionately known as the Feast of Tabernacles. It is celebrated as the days when Man dwelled with God during the time of Exodus. It is one of the high Holy feast days in Jewish and Christian traditions. According to the ancient Biblical Calendar and not the more common "Hillel II" calendar in use today, the Holiday of Sukkot started on September 25, 2018.

Recently, we posted about Trump announcing his peace plan on September 25th during the Holiday. What we did not post about was that this pagan "Arch of Baal" was erected in the capital city of the United States of America. This act during the High Feast day of Tabernacles was the sign that the Nation of America dwells with Baal and not God. Washington D.C. is the capital of the entire American Empire and it was no mistake and certainly no coincidence that this Arch was erected at the exact time it was.

This unholy Arch of Baal perhaps sealed America's fate showing God, The Messiah Lord RayEl and the world exactly who America worships.


A reproduction of the infamous Arch of Palmyra will be on display in Washington D.C. from September 26th to September 30th. In ancient times, if you wanted to go to the Temple of Baal in Palmyra you had to pass through this arch, and you would also pass through this arch again on your way out. The original arch was destroyed by ISIS in 2015, but it has been reproduced, and the reproduction has been periodically displayed at important locations around the globe. It has been pointed out that an arch is a “gateway”, and many are concerned that erecting this arch may be an open invitation for the entity or entities that were originally associated with this arch. And the timing for putting this arch on display in Washington D.C. is also very curious, and I will discuss that at the conclusion of this article.

While everything in the article is not the whole truth and some is the twisted teachings of modern preachers. We also cannot advocate of all the connections to Sumerian deities such as the connection of Marduk to Ninurta as Ninurta is Enlil's Son and Marduk is the son of Enki. Much of it has been twisted and the truth lost. For full corrections on such teachings as "The Antichrist" you should visit RayElite Teachings.

This is a powerful symbol from the Most powerful nation on Earth to the world and to God himself. It says "We Worship Bel (Baal)" and have no other god than him". For those that are unaware, America is the Mystery Babylon spoken of in the Bible's book of Revelation as well as through Old Testament Prophets. It is the nation doomed to destruction.


Rabbi Yosef Berger said “As the Messiah approaches, the forces of darkness are pushing back harder than ever before, Rabbi Berger told Breaking Israel News. “The last time we saw this level of idolatry was when the Temple stood in Jerusalem. Now that we are close to the appearance of the Third Temple, idolatry is reappearing, even in popular culture among people who claim they are atheists.”

We are living in the last days. Americans who do not wish to experience the destruction of America need to flee for their lives. The only two safe places to go is Baja California or Israel. Pay heed as time is short.

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Have a very nice day!

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They've sealed their fate.

They have some nerve...

Luke 21:34-35
"Be on guard, so that your hearts will not be weighted down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that day will not come on you suddenly like a trap; for it will come upon all those who dwell on the face of all the earth.

I went down to Israel, I did not know anything about this. interesting

It was erected on 26Sep2018. My birthday. I'm the Archbishop of the American Diocese in the Ecumenical Order of Christ, so erecting it in D.C. feels like a personal slap in the face in addition to the much worse affront to God and Christ.

This is the ultimate blasphemy to God, to the returned Christ Lord RayEl, to the Archbishop of North America Eric Logan. This is disgraceful and NOTHING was done or said about it from President Trump who is supposed to be the defender of Christianity. If this was Putin he would have torn it down smashed it, set it on fire then blown it up... at least that is what I would like to think he would do.

This is just sickening...

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