in #steemchurch6 years ago

youtube video

The second coming of the Lord is at hand, he had promise in his word, that "he goes to prepare a place for us".

The Repture of the saints and the judgment of the wicked is such to happen sooner than we think, but the major questions we should ask ourselves is! What would be our stand if Jesus comes today, We he find us righteous, is our key to heaven or we have already sold our soul for hell

Revelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.

The video above is a true testimony of unsaved pastor who failed to set his heavenly priorities right, he allowed the lust of the flesh robbed him of his heavenly benefit....

He missed his chance here on earth, and in hell there is no second chance, prayers are not answered in hell......... We so called Christian, brothers and sisters of Christ are not better than this unsaved pastor, we are trading the same footsteps of this unsaved pastor, we are joking with our eternity, but i pray you find your way back to grace today.

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