The fear of the Lord is wise

in #steemchurch6 years ago

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I frequently hear individuals clarify the fear of the Lord as a negligible regard or reverence. However, the Bible uses the word fear at minimum 300 times in reference to God, so we commit an error when we downplay it. The subject turns out to be considerably more puzzling when we read something like 1 John 4:18 that says that "perfect love expels all fear." So how would we marry this dichotomy? How might we fear God while he expels all fear?.

Scripture is brimming with examples of how fearing God is a positive instead of a negative thing. For example inGenesis 42:18, Joseph wins his siblings' trust when he pronounces he is a God-fearing man. It was on the grounds that the birthing assistants feared God that they obeyed him rather than the specialists by saving the Hebrew babies (Exodus 1:17).

Pharaoh expedited disaster his nation since he didn't fear God (Exodus 9:29-31). Moses picked leaders to help him on the premise that they feared God and wouldn't take fixes (Exodus 18:21) and told the Hebrews that God met with them in a frightening presentation of his power so they wouldn't sin (Exodus 20:20).

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The Mosaic Law refers to fear of God as motivation to treat the disabled and elderly well (Leviticus 19:14, 32). Furthermore, for fear that you think this is just an Old Testament thought, take note of that Jesus expresses this more grounded than anybody when he says, "Don't fear the individuals who need to murder your body; they can't touch your spirit. Fear just God, who can decimate both soul and body in hellfire" (Matthew 10:28). What's more, Paul says to move in the direction of finish holiness since we fear God (2 Corinthians 7:1).

So it's obvious from these sections, that fearing God is great since it saves us from caving into our own particular sinful nature. That is the reason hearing somebody is God-fearing really influences us to trust that individual more. On the off chance that they fear God, they will probably keep their statement and treat others with graciousness. In fact, Romans 3, a great chapter on sin, says that our main sin is that we "have no fear of God by any stretch of the imagination" (Romans 3:18).

So how does fear of God, who is perfect love, take away fear? William D. Eisenhower puts it along these lines in his article 'Fearing God" in Christianity Today:

Tragically, a considerable lot of us assume that the world is a definitive danger and that God's capacity is to balance it. How unique this is from the scriptural position that God is far scarier than the world … . When we accept that the world is a definitive danger, we give it baseless power, for in truth, the world's dangers are transitory. When we anticipate that God will adjust the worry of the world, we decrease him to the world's equivalent.

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As I stroll with the Lord, I find that God represents an inauspicious danger to my ego, yet not to me. He saves me from my dreams, so he may uncover reality that sets me free. He throws me down, just to lift me up once more. He sits in judgment of my sin, however forgives me by and by. Fear of the Lord is the start of shrewdness, yet love from the Lord is its consummation.

Furthermore, obviously, a definitive example of fear and perfect love cooperating is Jesus Christ. He cautioned us every step of the way to fear God, not men—and he affirmed that in everything about his life and demise. He talked affectionately yet honestly to all and didn't mince words when individuals expected to confront their sin and apologize. Yet, he additionally showed love outside human ability to comprehend when he experienced his words, "There is no more prominent love than to set out one's life for one's companions (John 15:13)." With love like this, what is left to fear but God?

The Bible mentions two particular sorts of fear. The first is helpful and is to be encouraged. The second kind is a burden and is to be overcome. The primary sort of fear will be fear of the Lord. This sort of fear does not really mean to fear something. Or maybe, it is a respectful awe of God; a reverence for His power and wonderfulness. Be that as it may, it is additionally an appropriate regard for His wrath and anger. At the end of the day, the fear of the Lord is an aggregate affirmation of all that God is, which comes through knowing Him and His qualities.

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Fear of the Lord carries with it numerous blessings and benefits. It is the start of insight and prompts great comprehension (Psalm 111:10). Only fools despise wisdom and discipline(Proverbs 1:7). Besides, fear of the Lord prompts life, rest, peace, and happiness (Proverbs 19:23). It is the wellspring and life (Proverbs 14:27) and gives a security and a position of wellbeing for us (Proverbs 14:26).

Consequently, one can perceive how fearing God ought to be encouraged. Be that as it may, the second kind of fear specified in the Bible isn't advantageous in any way. This is the "spirit of fear" specified in 2 Timothy 1:7: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but rather of power and of love and of a sound mind" (NKJV). A spirit of fearfulness and timidity does not originate from God.

In any case, sometimes we are anxious, sometimes this "spirit of fear" beats us, and to defeat it we have to trust in and love God totally. "There is no fear in love. Be that as it may, perfect love drives out fear, since fear needs to do with discipline.

The person fears' identity not made perfect in love" (1 John 4:18). Nobody is perfect, and God knows this. That is the reason He has generously sprinkled encouragement against fear all through the Bible. Starting in the book of Genesis and proceeding all through the book of Revelation, God reminds us to "Fear not."

For example, Isaiah 41:10 encourages us, "Don't fear, for I am with you; Do not tensely look about you, for I am your God I will reinforce you, most likely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My equitable right hand." Often we fear the future and what will happen to us. In any case, Jesus advises us that God tends to the winged animals of the air, so what amount more will He accommodate His kids? "So don't be perplexed; you are worth more than numerous sparrows" (Matthew 10:31).

Simply these few verses cover various kinds of fear. God lets us know not to fear being distant from everyone else, of being excessively frail, of not being heard, and of lacking physical necessities. These rebukes proceed all through the Bible, covering the a wide range of parts of the "soul of fear."

In Psalm 56:11 the psalmist states, "In God I trust; I won't be apprehensive. What can man do to me?" This is a magnificent declaration to the power of trusting in God. Notwithstanding what happens, the psalmist will trust in God since he knows and comprehends the power of God. The way to defeating fear, at that point, is add up to and finish trust in God.

Trusting God is a refusal to surrender to fear. It is a swinging to God even in the darkest times and trusting Him to make things right. This trust originates from knowing God and knowing that He is great. As Job said when he was encountering probably the most troublesome trials recorded in the Bible, "However he kill me, yet will I trust in him" (Job 13:15 NKJV).

When we have figured out how to put our trust in God, we will never again fear the things that come against us. We will resemble the psalmist who said with certainty "… let all who take asylum in you be happy; let them regularly sing for satisfaction. Spread your assurance over them, that the individuals who love your name may celebrate in you" (Psalm 5:11).


Proverbs 9:10 says, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Basically, this verse teaches that the fear of God is foundational to true wisdom; all other types of learning are worthless unless built upon a knowledge of the Lord Himself. Many other passages talk about the fear of the Lord (e.g., Psalm 111:10; Proverbs 1:7; 14:27; 15:33). Before we can understand how the fear of the Lord leads to wisdom

Thanks for sharing this post with the steemchurch Upvoted and resteem

Yea,this is so true,we should have the fear of God,that is reverence him,and I think all believers in Christ have it in their spirit,Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

Thanks for this

It is the fear of God that help us to live in obedience and in love
It help us to live a righteous life.
It is the fear that we have for God that curb us from sinning against God.

Our God is a loving father and "He has not given us the spirit of fear but of love".
The love for him make us to reverence him

The Bible mentions many benefits of fearing the Lord, including the promise of Proverbs 22:4: “By humility and the fear of the Lord are riches, and honor, and life.”

Don't fear, for I am with you; Do not tensely look about you, for I am your God I will reinforce you, most likely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My equitable right hand

The fear of God is the begining of wisdom because we ought to know what he is capable of doing,so he should be placed above all else but also God wants us to be spiritually and physically brave for he says, i am with you!!

Since God is FAR above us and FAR greater than us, is our Creator who created us to do His will, and He can do with us as He will, including destroying us in a consuming fire, we should be fearful. We MUST recognize who He is and who we are NOT. We have absolutely no hope apart from God’s mercy upon us and fortunately, God is exceedingly and abundantly merciful. But, we should never take that mercy for granted. Never.

Since God is FAR above us and FAR more prominent than us, is our Creator who made us to do His will, and He can do with us as He will, incorporating decimating us in a devouring flame, we ought to be dreadful. We MUST perceive his identity and our identity NOT. We have positively no expectation separated from God's benevolence upon us and luckily, God is exceedingly and plentifully kind. In any case, we ought to never underestimate that benevolence. Never.

When we have figured out how to put our trust in God, we will never again fear the things that come against us. We will resemble the psalmist who said with certainty "… let all who take asylum in you be happy; let them regularly sing for satisfaction. Spread your assurance over them, that the individuals who love your name may celebrate in you" (Psalm 5:11).

If you love God with your whole heart, you will fear him, God is love, to fear him you need to love him

When we have figured out how to put our trust in God, we will never again fear the things that come against us.

The man who fears GOD has nothing to fear!.
If GOD be for us, who can be against us?.

Thanks for sharing Bro.Abiye

The dread of God is the beginning of wisdom.For what so ever a man sows that he additionally tear.

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