in #steemchurch6 years ago

Genesis 3:21 (AMP)
21 The Lord God MADE TUNICS OF [ANIMAL] SKINS for Adam and his wife and CLOTHED them.

Christianity is nothing without a blood sacrifice. Without blood all we have is cold formalism and a set of rules and rituals devoid of the very essence of what Christianity is, which is the life of God now ‘tabernacled’ in mortal human flesh. This life according to scriptures is in the shed blood of His Son. Leviticus 17:11 says, “For THE LIFE OF THE FLESH IS IN THE BLOOD ...’ The very life of God is in the shed blood of His Son – Jesus.

Sometimes there is the temptation to cover our inadequacies and shortcomings with ‘sewed fig leaves’ of works, performance and self-efforts like Adam and Eve did in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:7). But the truth still remains that no matter how hard we try to cover our ‘nakedness’ in our own ability, the more naked we realize we are! No wonder when God showed up and asked Adam where he was, he couldn’t help but admit, “… I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid BECAUSE I WAS NAKED; and I hid myself” (Genesis 3:10). Self-efforts will only lead to a greater realization of our nakedness no matter how hard we try to clothe ourselves with manmade designers ‘fig leaves’ such as penance, restitution and self-inflicted pains of thoughts of condemnation.

You need to stop trying to dress yourself up and allow God to dress you up. There is nothing that you have done or will ever do that has taken Him by surprise or will ever take Him unawares. Revelation 13:8 says, “All the inhabitants of the earth will fall down and worship him, everyone whose name has not been written since the foundation of the world in the Book of Life of THE LAMB WHO HAS BEEN SLAIN [AS A WILLING SACRIFICE]” (AMP). God made plans for man’s sin even before man came on the scene. A willing sacrifice was made before time even existed for a sin that will be committed in time. Man’s utter ignorance of what has been done for him is the only reason he is always running away naked. If only he knew!

The same way God took that innocent animal (a type of Jesus Christ), killed it, made tunics or gowns and clothed Adam and Eve is the same way that, “… Christ, our PASSOVER, was SACRIFICED FOR US” (1 Corinthians 5:7). God has made a beautiful gown from the sacrificed Jesus and this gown is known as the forgiveness of sins and He has put it on you. Colossians 1:14 says, “in whom WE HAVE redemption through His blood, the FORGIVENESS OF SINS.” The gown made from blood might be primitive but it never fades like the coverings made from figs. This gown is eternal and the goodnews is that you HAVE it. You have the forgiveness of sin! Glory to God

Galatians 3:27 says, “For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have PUT ON CHRIST.” We have put on the garment of the forgiveness of sins. Every time He looks at you in this garment His heart pounds with love. I know exactly what He says: “You’re beautiful from head to toe, my dear love, beautiful beyond compare, ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESS” (Song of Songs 4:7 MSG). He doesn’t see your flaws, your past, what you did or couldn’t do. He is just in love with you! You are His flawless one!

Never pull this eternal gown for temporal ‘fig leaves.’ Never try to impress Him into accepting you because He is only impressed when you know He has accepted you through the sacrifice of His Son. Rise up today in confidence because you are beautifully adorned and nobody can make Him change His mind about you!

Thank You Father for the forgiveness of sins. I am righteous and flawless! Thank you for the blood of Jesus on cross for me! I honor that blood and gladly receive the forgiveness of all my sins in Jesus name.



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