Why Am I going to #STEEMCAMPUK? | The decision to go is a no brainer, here's 5 reasons why!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemcampuk6 years ago (edited)

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(the reasons for going to #STEEMCAMPUK#that follow are listed in no particular order, and of course I aknowledge the silliness of some of them, but a reason is a reason amirite?)

It’s Close!

Of course, convenience logistics and finances are all considerations when you’re weighing the pros and cons of going to an event. We lucked out on the location of this one because we won’t have to take a flight, or an excessive train, or pay for a hotel. If you’re in the East Midlands area and find it difficult to get down to London where a lot of meet ups are held- this is your chance!

Everyone is Welcome!


"Everyone is welcome. The only qualification is an interest in using and improving some part of the Steem ecosystem."-that's straight from the eventbrite page!~

It’s being organized by THE OG “LL”.

Our endearing name for the man himself, @lloyddavis. As he’s said in previous @steemcampuk posts, this event will NOT be steemfest, which is absolutely fine! He’s expressed his desire for the meet up to be exactly what it was meant to be, involving the people who were meant to be there, and that’s my kind of attitude!

Because Steemfest was AWESOME

Didn't you just say it wouldn’t be like Steemfest?? yes of course! But, a huge portion of what I loved so much about steemfest was the lovely people. I went in feeling a bit apprehensive. I was (and still am in a lot of ways) a blockchain noob, I’m certainly not an investor or coder type, and I wasn’t interested in playing the “networking games” that go along with most large events, and let me tell you- I had a BLAST.

What I found, was folks who were real, kind, accepting and FUN! I learned that steemians are my kind of folks, and if you’re here on steemit, they’re probably yours too!

2018-04-02 15:22:44 +0000.GIF

If there’s one thing I learned at steemfest, is that if there’s a group of Steemians getting togeher, you won’t want to miss it.

A Last “HOORAH!”

I’m an American citizen, and my tourist visa is coming to an end. Soon after #STEEMCAMPUK I’ll be packing my bags, saying goodbye to @teamhumble and the English countryside and heading back to the sates. (I know, bummer right?) I can't think of a better way to spend my last few days here than making memories, seeing Birmingham for the first time, and meeting more of you!

If you’re on the fence, and need more convincing- let me know, I’m sure there are a zillion more reasons why YOU should go too!

If you need more info- be sure to check out the account @steemcampuk, and you can click this gif for the official eventbrite page.

(cheers to @teamhumble for making this 🔥 banner)

If you are going, I can't wait to see you there! Until Saturday friends!


It's sure to be a super time… you all have a good'n! :)

thank you! looking forward to it for sure! :)

Have fun. Steem has a camp? Like for a weekend or a whole week? Like conferences, workshops, meet-ups, classes, small group meetings and/or summer camps hehe? Sounds exciting. I know Steem has Meetups too. And Steem has a conference thing too. So, I am guessing this is not merely a Meetup or a seminar but rather of a hybrid of those two maybe. Am I right? I worked at summer camps as a counselor for 5 years in the USA. Love camp. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

Nice to meet you Joey! That eventbrite page can tell you more, but it's more of a meeting of the minds plus a meetup plus whatever it ends up being! We're only meeting for one day, BUT Steemfest 3 is going to be upon us before we know it- that's usually a 3-4 day event with all kinds of crazines (the good kind of crazy! )

Haha, great. Thanks. Awesome. That is good news.

I am convinced :)

She had me at Hello, I mean the Memes. The Memes can sell me almost anything.

This has made me get very excited! Time to party with the crew!!!

Haha yessss then mission accomplished, looking forward to it for sure!

I want to go but not sure I can make it. It's about a 4 hour journey from here so hard to fit in with the wife and kids without feeling guilty about it. We shall see though - I'll see how I feel about it as the week passes.

Well no worries either way- understand how logistics can be a pain!

Have fun and I hope they do something like this in the Autumn/Winter, maybe more south.

Safe journey back to usa (I feel your pain there).

I bet this is going to be so much fun.

Thank you- its going to be a rough trip back but trying to stay positive <3 Hoping to take lots of pics and vides to share !

At least you are coming back when the weather will be getting good. I wish I could be in England in the Summer time, but after this Winter here, I'm fine with English Winters American Summers, the weather is just better over there (at least in the south) in the Winters. Last time I was there in London through Nov-March and the weather was so warm, some days in the city, I'd have to take off my coat as I'd get too warm (that's probably from being a North East girl used to below zero temps!)

I can't wait to see your videos an such. I never share videos because I'm too lazy to upload them to youtube, I suppose I should do a dtube account.

Yeah I know what you mean, I usually end up taking videos so I can make small gif clips, it's a huge bummer to me that dtube videos don't play inline in a post- so for not I'm happy with gifs- I think if it's a text heavy post they help to not disturb the flow for the reader- but then again maybe I'm going off of my own ability to focus haha

When I was here in the summer it was absolutely GORGEOUS but at times we were baking- having no A/C is a huge drag when it gets above 75-80 and sunny- which is rare here, but when it does, you have no refuge!

I wish I was going! It sounds like such a fabulous time, but I would need to take a really long flight (expensive), need a hotel and food, not to mention ground transportation. Just not in the cards...:{

Oh for sure, no shot id be going if I Weren't already on this side of the pond! Hoping steemfest 3 is in the states this year personally

That would make it a little closer for me, too!

I'll see you there, I'll definitely be inquiring about how you made that cool little footer with all the winking social media icons,

very nice that!

Sounds good! Looking forward to it!

You are the queen of animated gifs, you know. I didn't realize you were from the states. I trust the remainder of your stay in the UK will be ridonkulous (in the best way)!

wait. does that mean you've been reading my posts and comments with a british accent in your head!!!? - the thought of that makes me giggle

no sir i'm a jersey gal born and raised, and trying to figure out a better visa situation :)

Somehow, I seem to remember hearing your voice without the British accent, but I thought you were just a superior human being like that. Able to leap small buildings and whatnot. Does this mean you have a Jersey accent?!

haha YES! with a bit of brooklyn thrown in- one of my favorite VO jobs to date was to do a NY/NJ secretary voice for a phone menu system- i had WAY too much fun playing that character

Are these GIFs uploaded to Steemit like photos are? That would mean GIFs are supported and decentralized that way.

Sounds like fun!

I guess I'll have to wait till a future meet up in Portugal though ;>)



We sure do miss the weather in portugal- le sigh!

Actually, the predictions for the coming week or so don't look too good - rain, wind, thunder, not that warm, even worse than the Netherlands. So, I hope the forecast, my iPhone, is wrong for a change :>$

Well even if it's awful weather, it's a chance to establish some HYGGE indoors! haha

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