Caliphate What is the Caliphate and why? السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,

in #steemblog3 years ago

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته,
Caliphate What is the Caliphate and why?

Alhamdulillah. Was Salatu Was Salam A'la Rasulillah. Amma Baad

Clearing Misconceptions About Islamic Caliphate,

Not only Muslims but Muslim Khilafari also have many misconceptions about Islamic Islamic Khilafah not even knowledge that real Islamic Khilafah is fixed so today I hope to write this to you after reading this I will have many misconceptions about Islamic Khilafah,


= Caliphate =
Khilafat' is an Arabic word. It means centralizing institution. Others who follow the rules are called empty. Khilafat Khulufun may be the word. Meaning successor, follower, follower, successor, follower, follower etc. But Khali later used other terms such as khalifa, which is the tafar of all, ameer and imam. But here the first one is said separately within this wordy as imamate, emir and sultanate, who is Muhammad (pbuh) as caliph for the first thirty years. Amir Abir, the light of all others, is said by some who have spoken. Some have called the Sunnah the owner of the state. Others have called the Caliph as the sacred state and the Imam as the person who gave birth to Islam. Others have called the first Yugur Muslim rulers. For example: Umayyad Caliphate, Abbasid Caliphate, Ottoman Caliphate. Others became known as Amirs such as Amir Muawiyah (RA). Some say Amirul Mumineen. Some are writers. Others write that the leader of a caliph will be Tara or Amir. Others say that the provincial system cannot be called normal, peaceful or amir. In "A Modern Arabic Dictionary" caliphate means vicarship, deputyship, succession, etc.

☞ said, “You do God, when our natives later became chiefs; Address of God! [Araf: 74]

☞ Isama Abu Ragifahani (RA) said, "Lafat is the state of approval in which the person is absent due to some other condition or because of which he has been honored."

=literally speaking
Religious custom, social and an institution. The second name of Islamic government is Caliphate. While giving the definition of caliphate..

☞ Ibn Khaldun the author said, "The name of Khilaf is the preservation of Islam, the religion chosen by Allah, the formation of society and the state according to it, and the state power according to it."

☞Imam Ghazali said, “Khilaf is a religious institution that is not comprehensive through reasoning

Rashid Ridda said, "Islamic government and state is a theocracy that maintains and permits religion and worldly affairs."

Majid Khadduri said, "Khilafat means temporary leadership based on religion."

We can say in general that, in the light of Sunnah, the state is called Rashtrabikila.

And in the hadith, there is nothing to say about Islamic Islamic governance, in the Qur'an, Islamic society does not say much, they are completely stupid. Let's prove it with Quran and Hadith.

☞ Allah Ta'ala says in the Qur'an Allah Ta'ala describes the sovereignty.
Watch [3:26]

☞Allah also says in this change,- "All ability is only to confirm."

☞Al-Qur'a: "There is no power to provide banking without Allah."

☞ Guidance without Allah.

☞His is the dominion of the heavens and the earth.
[Hadi: 25]

☞In the Qur'an Allah says again: Allah is the Giver of Development.

☞Those who give security and distort the government (judiciary) with other behavior are infidels.

☞Those who give principles according to what Allah Ta'ala has completed are disbelievers
{Surah Ma'idah-44}

☞Allah Taala says again in another verse, "Those who do not declare according to what Allah has revealed, they are the wrongdoers."
{Surah Ma'idah-45}

☞Allah also says, "If you follow the words of the Most High, they will deviate from the effective path." (Surah An'am-116)

☞So all the powers and authorities are only cautious
(Surah Anam-5)

☞ Surely I can appoint a caliph
(Surah Al-Baqara: 31)

☞Allah said again He has replaced me.
(Surah Fatir: 40)

Different Islamic systems will be established without anyone installing facilities

☞ Allah says you say, Allah is the description of Hebhaum power! You grant power to whom You will and take away power from him. Give honor to whom you will. Trample whoever you want. You are in your hands. Surely You are powerful in all matters.
(Surah Al-Imran-26)

And Allah has all these powers and sovereignty in the world through a peaceful Islamic caliphate. Many people may have a question about how many types of governance are mentioned in the Qur'an. Let's see what the Qur'an says about this.

There are three types of caliphate mentioned in the Quran.
☞(1) Huallazi Khalakakum Khalayefa Fil Araye” means He is the one who replaced you in the world.
(Surah Fatir: 40)
Man is the best creature in creation. Everything in creation is engaged in their service. That is why in the verse man is called the representative of Allah among the created things. So it is our duty to hold fast to the rope of Allah and manage everything according to His law.

☞(2) Allah said, Inni Zaylon fil Arye Khalifa, that is, surely I am going to appoint a Khalifa on Earth.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah: 31)

Those who say that there is no such thing as an Islamic system of governance in Islam are fools as these verses prove that Allah has sent mankind to the world to establish its rules. The people of the early era were devoid of civilization. It is said here to civilize them and to designate Hazrat Adam (as) to reach them the guidance of Allah. He is Allah's caliph because he came from Allah. He is also called a prophet because he received the message of God. Other prophets also came from Allah. So they are also the caliphs of Allah.

☞(3) The third type of caliphate mentioned in the Quran is established after the death of a prophet. As it is said, "Those of you who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah has promised them that He will certainly appoint them as caliphs on earth as He appointed their predecessors as caliphs."
In this verse, Allah has promised the righteous believers that after the death of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH), He will establish a caliphate among them, who will lead the Muslims to the right path of guidance.

Hazrat Huzaifa (RA) narrated. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Prophethood will remain among you as long as Allah wills. Then Allah will take it away. After that the Khilafah will be established in the manner of Prophethood and it will last as long as Allah wills. Then he will pick it up. Then the reign of tyranny and oppression will be established. It will exist as long as Allah wills. Then Allah will take it away. Then it will become an arrogant and coercive empire and it will exist as long as Allah wills. Then Allah will take it away. Then the Caliphate will be re-established in the manner of Prophethood.”
(Ahmed, Bayhaqi)
The hadith mentions the establishment of “Khilafat ala Minhajin Nabuwat” twice. The first Khilafat was after the death of Hazrat Rasool Kareem (PBUH) and the second Khilafat was after the extreme decline of the Muslims.

Everyone knows that the first caliphate of Islam was established after the prophethood of Hazrat Rasool Kareem (PBUH). Therefore, the second caliphate will be established on the model of Prophethood, that is why the Prophet (PBUH) said, then the caliphate will be established again on the model of Prophethood." Now the question is when and by whom will the "Khilafate on the method of Prophethood" be established? This is a very important matter, it is known from the hadith narrated by Hazrat Huzaifa (R.A.), after the first caliphate runs according to Shari'ah for a few days, monarchy and imperialism will be created. That is, there will be no Islamic caliphate. However, its effectiveness will be limited. Such a situation will arise because of the weakness of the faith of Muslims. Only then will the Caliphate be established on the model of Prophethood.

Therefore, it can be seen that before the establishment of the Caliphate in the manner of the Prophet, the condition of the Muslims will be very miserable and it will gradually improve again, and in the middle will be ruled by Caliphs, Amirs, Sultans and tyrannical worldly rulers, after that the Caliphate will come again. Now let's see when this time will come? A review of history shows that the era of Khulafay Rasheda was a golden age in Islam. Then the Islamic caliphate became a monarchy during the Umayyad and Abbasid periods. Later it was broken up by Halaku Khan and became a country-based monarchy and imperialism. The Islamic caliphate then weakened and remained dormant in Turkey into the 19th century. Later, it was also extinguished from the world by Atatürk in the conspiracy of the West.

The Quran and Hadith also indicate the same time. It is stated in the hadith, "My century is good, the immediate ones, the immediate ones, the immediate ones, the immediate spread of falsehood".
(Nisai, Mishkat)

It is said in the Quran,

He (Allah) directs from the heavens to the earth (to establish the Qur'anic law). Then it will ascend to Him in one day, which in your reckoning is a thousand years”. (Surah As Sijdah
What we can see today is that Allah has removed the caliphate from the world. Which he will establish again through Imam al-Mahdi coming from the progeny of the Prophet which is very near.Many people may have a question about how many types of governance are mentioned in the Qur'an. Let's see what the Qur'an says about this.

There are three types of caliphate mentioned in the Quran.
☞(1) Huallazi Khalakakum Khalayefa Fil Araye” means He is the one who replaced you in the world.
(Surah Fatir: 40)
Man is the best creature in creation. Everything in creation is engaged in their service. That is why in the verse man is called the representative of Allah among the created things. So it is our duty to hold fast to the rope of Allah and manage everything according to His law.

☞(2) Allah said, Inni Zaylon fil Arye Khalifa, that is, surely I am going to appoint a Khalifa on Earth.”
(Surah Al-Baqarah: 31)

Those who say that there is no such thing as an Islamic system of governance in Islam are fools as these verses prove that Allah has sent mankind to the world to establish its rules. The people of the early era were devoid of civilization. It is said here to civilize them and to designate Hazrat Adam (as) to reach them the guidance of Allah. He is Allah's caliph because he came from Allah. He is also called a prophet because he received the message of God. Other prophets also came from Allah. So they are also the caliphs of Allah.

It is said in the Quran,

He (Allah) directs from the heavens to the earth (to establish the Qur'anic law). Then it will ascend to Him in one day, which in your reckoning is a thousand years”. (Surah As Sijdah
What we can see today is that Allah has removed the caliphate from the world. Which he will establish again through Imam al-Mahdi coming from the progeny of the Prophet which is very near. Let us see the nature of Khilafat:

Establishing the sovereignty of Allah in general is the basic principle of the Islamic caliphate. Because the sovereignty of everything in this world belongs to God alone. There is no sovereignty over him. The Islamic caliphate must be managed with the belief that Allah says in the Quran,
There is no command except Allah.
His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth.

☞(Shura-based governance:*
This Islamic polity does not condone dictatorial regimes. It is particularly concerned with conducting governance through people-to-people consultation. So Allah says,
“Counsel them on the job”.
“Works in mutual consultation”
Muhammad (pbuh) said, "If you do not find anything in the Qur'an-Hadith, consult and resolve it."
Umar (R.A.) emphasized on advice and said, "A state in which there is no advice from the Muslims is not a caliphate."

☞ (Ensuring Justice:
One of the main features of Islamic politics is to establish justice in society. In this regard, the Qur'an says, "O believers! Be a standard-bearer of justice and a witness of God, even if your justice and testimony goes against your own person or your parents and relatives'. [Nisa:135]
"Do justice, that is nearer to God-fearing." [Maida: 8]
"I have been commanded to judge among you". [Shura:15]
Fatima is the daughter of Makhzoomi clan. The Arab couple is renowned for honor and nobility. There is an abundance of wealth. Yet Fatima was caught for theft. Murmuring, whispering among the Quraysh. Something needs to be done. The embarrassed Quraysh finally thought of recommending the Prophet (PBUH) to reduce the punishment. Then he stood up, addressed the crowd and announced in a loud voice, “The people before you were ruined only because a man of noble or noble birth among them stole and let him go. But if a weak person stole, he would be disciplined. By Allah, if Muhammad Tanaya Fatima also steals, his hand will be cut off”.

☞ (Qur'an-Sunnah based governance system:
In this Islamic governance, governance based on Quran-Hadith is conducted. In light of this, Allah says,
Those of you who believe and do righteous deeds, Allah has promised them that He will certainly grant them dominion over the earth. [Nur:55]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “I am leaving two things for you, you will not go astray as long as you hold on to them. And that is the Book of Allah and the other is the Sunnah of His Messenger.”
In the light of this, we can say that if Muslims develop a political system in the light of Quran and Sunnah, then the possibility of establishing an ideal state will be 100% successful. And this Quran-Hadith is the basic constitution of Islamic governance.
(Zajak Allahu Khairan)

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