GRATEFUL HEARTS ; MY Little Way Of Saying Thank you to Steembees

in #steembees7 years ago (edited)


Its been a long journey, it has been almost 6 months now since i joined steemit. One of the best things i achieved in 2017; joining steemit has really changed a lot in my life.

When i was new to steemit, the person who introduced me added me to like 3 different steemit groups, i tried to be as dedicated as i could be with all three groups. With time i noticed that just one of the three groups moved and worked with momentum. None of the groups had a label name then. It was just a steemit group on whatsapp.

As time went on, i met new people on that group and made new friends. I left the other two groups, i concentrated on this one. I was dedicated and my dedication paid off. I learnt a lot of new stuffs from the older people in the group. Then @amec and @samstickkz would do daily voice notes tutorials telling us what to do and how best to go about our activities on steemit. I learnt the best ways to explore the numerous offers steemit offered to its members. This was the start of a new phase in my life. I started to live life more with purpose. I had a responsibility now of being dedicated to the group and also helping new people on the platform. My dedication to the group also paid off, as i was made a group admin of the group alongside my bosses.


Since then, i must say it really is not easy being a leader. I have had my rights and wrong. And my wrongs i have tried to correct. I always had the group in heart and this made me make more new friends

I got so used o the group that there was a particular day I viewed my chat list on WhatsApp and the first 20 chats on my list were from members of that group. Imagine me calling someone I have never seen before for over 30 mins, no business discussions, just gists,,. To cut the whole story short, I know I had found a new family. They were my second family, I really hope nothing changes.

We kept moving with momentum, we started talking about turning our group to an acknowledged community on steemit. We purged the group of dormant and ghost members. We talked about having a name now.

lil tip,,,,I gave us that name *Steembees ...... read and don't tell

That name came to my mind when I thought of how much noise came from that room ,,,,lol,,,, we got over a thousand messages everyday from the group. The buzzing was just too much. So I decided why don't we wear our attribute like a cloth. And yes it was accepted and appreciated. The process was not easy. When we first created rules to guild the room, it kindah chased the bees to their hives. That room became as quite as the mid night for over a week. Not everyone adapted easily to the change. I too almost got tired of trying to make people back to being active, even to the extent that one day I started calling attendance in the room ,,,kikikikikiki,,,,coupled with my exams that were coming up then, I also paused the group for a while.

But we survived the process, morning came again and the bees buzzed out of any their hives. We attracted more new and dedicated members. I made more friends like.....everyone,,,,lol,,some people are waiting to see their name

Now we are at the peak of starting what we have been planning, we now have our curation trailer @kingbee. We will keep moving with that momentum we started with,we are the steembees, we are coming to buzz around steemit. Our buzzing must be heard, lol,,,.


I really appreciate all the love and care I have received from steembees, I really appreciate all your little efforts no matter how small. I have you all in heart just as you have proved to also have me in heart.





Smiles, interesting.
I would be glad to be part of your family.
Let keep buzzing and steeming

It's a lovely family ain't it

That's great! It's a good job! It's good to appreciate good thing! You are a great achiever. I commend your leadership and i must also commend your followers. You see the work of unity. Because of unity, you kept moving with momentum. Your determination has brought you success. Reap the fruit of your labour SteemBees. Congratulations!!!

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