Men are really not scum

in #steembees6 years ago

Hello Steemians! Anytime I see @Kingbee organize a contest, it is only proper as a member of the community to participate. The theme is also very catchy: men are not scum. As a male that has seen the sentence 'men are scum' used a lot, it is only proper to share my view about it. Thanks to the organizers for putting up this contest.

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'Men are scum' started on twitter by females who felt to have been jilted by a man one way or the other, women which most of them hide under the umbrella of a feminist. Many stories were shared by the ladies depicting the fact men are really scum, and it gave many jilted ladies the opportunity to trend the topic.

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Scum is a word used to describe someone that is unpleasant, dishonest or unkind. If it were to be from the view of a feminist, the word scum is for a vile/worthless person or group of people.

Men is a plural word for a man which describe an adult male human being. This means using the 'men are scum' slogan is generalising all the male human beings and calling them worthless and lowly.

It is just a propaganda by the feminists to ensure they get noticed. No matter how the situation is viewed, men can not be scum. It is a wonder that somehow a hard working man that provides for his family and keeps his wife happy is not a scum, till he annoys the wife.

Men are not scum just because a female is jilted or has her intelligent played on by a man, in fact such a man can not be tagged 'scum' until the situation that warranted such act is critically viewed. I have heard many stories that shows men are not scum, real life stories that points the finger 'scumness'(if such word exists) towards the women.

Allow me to share this story:
A man once saw a lady, a gentle and kind type. He got attracted to her and asked her out, with time they got married. Their marriage was blessed with a kid before this strange thing happened.

The man was a tailor and was okay to some extent, the family was not very rich but far from suffering. All of a sudden the wife stopped been cheerful and most times, she is seen cutting a frustrated figure. The husband noticed this new behaviour of hers, he summoned his wife and tried to lift her morale telling here that things would change for good.

On a Friday, the husband came back from work in the tired. He had already instructed the wife to prepare a swallow food, so he met his food already prepared. He was about to eat when he felt strange, been a sensitive man he stylishly sent his wife on an errand and hid the food in the wardrobe.

The next morning when he woke up, he went straight up to where he kept the food and noticed some funny developments on the food. He called his wife, asked her to come true and tell him what she added to the stew. She said she added a love portion after a lot of swearing and pestering from the husband.

The husband thought it through and said; if it were to be a love portion then if a goat could eat it, there should be no problem. They found a goat and fed it with the remains of the food, tied it up and they both started to observe. Some hours later, the goat started to foam out of the mouth and died afterwards.

That was how the woman ran out of the house, it was later that the kid she had for the man died too. She fed the child with the same hand she used to spray the poison without washing, it was said that the child should have died earlier but the intake was little. No one knows if it was on purpose, that was how she ended the marriage and the life of the kid.

It was later on that they heard that she got married to a wealthy man, the general believe was that she wanted to wipe all her past and start anew.

This story I narrated is not to call the womenfolk scums, but to show that been a scum is not only for a gender alone. Both men and women are capable of been scums, even the women are worse.
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But somehow, when a woman does bad there is silence and when a man does the same 'men are scum'.

We should not also be quick to forget the gender that ate the forbidden apple too.

Men are not scum only pained women/femimist suscribes to men are scum.

A big shout-out to @ewuoso, men are not scum!😎

Thanks for reading, keep steeming!


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Men do cum but are not scum

Now this is a rhyme🙌

Thanks for stopping by.

How do you cum if you are not a scum?

people is people, all the same kind of...


Thanks for sharing this.

We all are scums in different ways. Lol

Anyways, nice write up.

On a serious note, men are not scum but we can cum.

Upvoted and following you

Lol. ladies do not complain about the cum, at least not yet.

Thanks for stopping by.

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