in #steembees6 years ago (edited)

Source: Screenshot from my phone

The present day man is currently faced with a troubling challenge of equity from the female folks and the fact that in all positivity lies some atom of negatively should have in all ramifications, justified the inadequacies that men exhibit regardless of there social, economic, cultural and major contribution to life's perpetuation.

In all facets of life, men have a significant role to play and It would be vague not to highlight these inevitable roles;

In the home

Biblically, men have been placed as the head of the home and as such, he is expected to oversee all the affairs of the home even as women were urged to pay full allegiance/submission to their husbands no matter the circumstance. You can check 1 Peter 3: 1-5

In biology

The man's genitals and semen above all, is most expedient to achieve fertilization and the formation of a feotus in the female falopian tubule. In other words, without the man's spermatozoa, there will be no fertilization and as such, no life perpetuation.

In man-power

Men are generally known for their physical strength and ability to engage in very strenuous activities for which the female folks cannot dare to attempt or attempt for long hours except in exceptional cases. Therefore, jobs that require strength can only be handled by men without which these kind of jobs will not be done.

In politics

Men have proven very useful in this area and we can all attest to the fact that most great leaders both in the present and in the past consist mostly of men. Examples include Nelson Mandela, Abraham Lincoln, amongst a lot more. Men that changed the world for the better.

In science

There are great men that contributed and are still contributing immensely to the growth of science, the likes of Albert Einstein, Isaac newton, Michael Faraday, Louis pasture, Robert hook, and so many more. If census were to be taken to get the ratio of renowned male scientists to the female scientists, no doubt the ratio should be 7:3 on a scale of 1 to 10.

In riches and wealth

The first ten most richest persons in the world are all men without a single lady, namely:

  • Jeff Bezo
  • Bill Gates
  • Warren Buffett
  • Bernard Arnault
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Amancio Ortega
  • Carlos Slim Helu
  • Charles and David Koch (tied)
  • Larry Ellison
  • Michael bloomberg

On steemit

This is getting hilarious but we seem to have more male whales than females on steemit. As mocking as it may seem, men are more resourceful, adaptive, mentally strong, physically competent, socially sound and spiritually fit and should never be called or regarded as SCUM.

However, as earlier stated, "in every positivity, there is an atom of negativity". SOME men, word highlighted "SOME" men;

~ Have misused their God-given strength to prey on the weak and vulnerable women in the form of rape as domestic assaults.

~ SOME have engaged in hideous and unthinkable crimes that stands against moral justification of any form.

~ SOME have neglected their roles as head of the home and have gone out to live reckless lives. SOME have decided never to be useful to themselves, their immediate society and the world at large.

~ SOME have decided to cause nuisances and havoc where peace reigns in the name of terrorism.

~ SOME have lost their value as men and have decided to become women through transgendered surgeries amongst other demystifying reasons as to why men ought to be regarded as SCUM. But my question is:

should the punishment of sins of a few be extended to the innocent majority?

Certainly not, just as the punishment of sins of a father should not be extended to his children's children, so should the punishment of sins of these few men that have decided to bring shame and disgrace upon the masculine gender, not be extended to the innocent men that are still upholding the integrity and dignity of manhood or being a man.

Conclusively, the role that men play in basically all facets of life cannot be over emphasized, and as such, MEN ARE NOT SCUM. Nonetheless, the need to instill decency amongst the few hoodlums should not be overlooked and this should be done by empowering every law enforcement agencies around the globe to stand up to the task of catching these law offenders and making sure they face the wrath of the law.

Thanks for reading!

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What point are you trying to make now? That men are more important than women or that men are more successful than women?

Lolz.... MEN ARE NOT scum... As simple as that... Hehehe try but women are as important as men. Both parties need each other , enough of men trying to appear like they are the saviour or the only ones on earth... A lot of men have their ass saved by women secretly n publicly so..the point is, men should stop appearing over superior to women .

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