in #steembee6 years ago (edited)

Men are not scum


Firstly,What is a Scum??

Scum to be regarded as despicable or worthless

The reason we ladies think men are scum


. Men arent trustworthy in the sense that

1)They desguise nd come to You telling you they love youu nd all sorts trying to trick ladies to bed unknowingly to the lady that he is married or has a serious relationship..

2)You can date a guy for years nd think you are his all but he'll just come with a story of sorry "i cant marry you" with flimsy excuses... E.t.c

But actually,Men are not scums


Well here, for me I'd say not all men are scum infact men are not scum,for some reasons every normal human being will at some point or at some stages or will once in their time get dishonest and deceive,It's a human nature

Sometimes what a guy does is not from his heart it's from his mind from what other ladies might have done to him in which some are just normally tactless but to us its cruelity

To me calling a man scum is normally disrespectful,No human deserves that insult no matter what he has done because hear out his reasons it might be justifiable...

It's also unfair to them,see we expect men to understand every single thing because they are men, we want them to provide do this do that,but in reality let's be sincere,how many of us truly understands them, and when they give up or flare up, we see them as an irresponsible person, personally guys handle a lot of shits too because they feel they are the man/head of the house, they caused it, they hold on to a lot of responsibility that could sometimes lead them to misbehave.


Sometimes the way we ladies behave is nothing to write home about,imagine a lady visiting her boyfriend and met the house scattered but can take care of the house nd she expects the man to prefer her to the lady who comes around and cleans the house b4 leaving... Or a lady that cant cook a well prepared meal that doesnt have a trait of wife material to a lady that can cook all sorts of dish.. Those types of ladies are the types that come on social media to say men are scum,awon slay mama oshi..

As a lady,be responsible,give your man peace and rest of mind,give him a listening ear,be a shoulder he can always lean on,if u do all these you'll discover your man is a very loving man and men are not scums

I am king.aduke

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