Steembay Auction - Spineback Wolf [Gold]

in #steembay6 years ago (edited)

Spineback Wolf (GOLD) LVL 4

Type: Gold/Foil
Rarity : Common
Element : Death
Lvl 4 with 9/20 XP

Auction Details

Opening Bid: 5 SBD
Buy It Now: 25 SBD

Bids will be accepted until cashout time

I reserve the right to close the auction at any time and accept the highest bid.

How To Place Your Bid

Reply (directly) to the post with "bid XX.XX"
Examples: "Bid 6.9" OR "Bid 16.81"

Wait for the bot to log in the bid.
You will get a reply when you are overbid.
The card will be transferred to the highest bidder after the end of the auction
and after payment has been received.



Auction is now opened. Starting price is: 5.000 SBD

Bids will be accepted until cashout time: 2018-06-21T23:19:30 UTC

This post has received a 14.55 % upvote from @boomerang.

The #steembay Auction has finished without a bid...

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