
Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @merej99's bid of 10.000 SBD

The #steembay Auction has finished.
The winning bidder is @merej99 with an amount of 10.000 SBD - Congratulations!

Congratulations @merej99! You have been declared the winning bidder; appreciate your interest! And very cool to sell this to someone I actually "know!"

Your total due is 10.00 SBD. Since you are here in the USA, there is no shipping charge.

If you like, you can send me your address by encrypted wallet message: when you transfer the 10.00 SBD, start the "memo" section with "# " (hashtag + space) and then add your address in the memo field. It will then be invisible to everyone other than you and I.

Or you can email the information to me at "denmarkguy (at)"

Thanks again for bidding on my stone! It's exciting to be pioneering commerce on Steemit, AND I really appreciate your support of independent arts and crafts!

I'll send the SBD right away and email you my address. It's easier for me that way :)

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SBD 2.64