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RE: First Auction On Steemit: Brand New Beautiful Mens Watch (shipping to US only)

in #steembay7 years ago

that sentence says it all , how short and horrible written. Longer than that it dous not have to be, flagging of would be very wrong, because this is in children shoes. <But with all your respect i do think you should take his reply in your heart. I think selling here on steemit needs to be more than just present something and than thinking people will believe you speak the thruth because your rate is high.
I hope you really do not see it as bad critic. On fb I moderate a few antiques groups. We want people to write what it is, the material, the brand , the weight, where else promoted etcetera, all you know about the subject, the more you can tell the better the sell! Now for me it is not good at all living in europe it does not get send to here... :-) Much luck whit your sell !


You are right. Your critic in place. I'm not a good writer, especially descriptions, but I should have written more.

and more you may not read in the answer that came over ever so unfriendly, but would have ment the same said descent. all begin is difficult ! :-)

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