
Auction is now opened. Starting price is: 22.000 STEEM

Bids will be accepted until cashout time: 2018-08-17 16:45:15 GMT

Bid accepted! Highest bid is now @papa-pepper's bid of 25.000 STEEM

The #steembay Auction has finished.
The winning bidder is @papa-pepper with an amount of 25.000 STEEM - Congratulations!

Okay, I promoted this as much as I could and challenged others to try to outbid me. Hopefully it'll attract some interest. Your stuff is amazing, and I don't mind at all if end up with all four, but hopefully it'll get spread out a little more and the bids will increase.

Thank much sir. Worst that could happen is you get a few Christmas pressents, that is if you have any pirates in the family.

@papa-pepper . Well they are all yours! Let me know what size you want the belt cut to and what color buckle.

Let's go with 35" and silver for the belt, and please give me a total for how mush STEEM & SBD I owe you.

Sure thing. check chat messages.

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