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RE: Steem Basic Income Giveaway (What are you reading? )

I know what you mean about editing over and over again... As I share my Friendship on Fire novella, there were quite a number of changes this past edit - in fact, I've done further editing since I read it to my husband - to bring up the level of romance in it a tad.

I guess at some point, we have to recognize that it will never be "perfect" and we must not limit ourselves because of that drive... Thankfully, the reader is more forgiving than that.

I have had to deal with consistency errors since all of my stuff is intertwined and very closely related. This week, I've been working on an actual novel that started work a number of years ago - I haven't touched it in nearly 10! and many of my concepts have evolved significantly since then. I still have some "issues" which will have to be either adjusted, or addressed in a historical sense. Thankfully, it's at a very different point on my timeline, so it's possible.


Yes! Thankfully the reader is more forgiving than us perfectionists! :D I'm also thankful that I don't feel the urge to edit when it comes to Steemit things, I'd never get anything done, saving the brainpower for the intending-to-publish projects.

I will have to have a read of your Friendship on Fire - I haven't read a romance in ages. Actually, I haven't really read much in ages at all. I still have two books sitting on my shelf that a friend self-published and... he's almost finished his third. And here I am wanting to read that Dracula interpretation I've read a hundred times already! I'm a terrible friend, obviously, haha.

With consistency - that's the whole purpose of me dabbling in my Skyswept chapters here. It's a period of time in between what I would like to be my book #1 and #2, and I'm making sure everything fits together, and at the same time it's fleshing things out a bit more in general so I have a larger overall grasp on the world.

I can also ramble like no body's business, so. I'll shush while I'm three paragraphs ahead! :D

I'm the same way! We writers... well, we like to write!!! It is very unusual for me to find people willing/able to outwrite me.

HAHAHA about wanting to reread Dracula, while having a dozen other things begging to be read, lol. I don't often visit the same book twice, strangely. .. except children's books, of course. There are books I'd like to read again, such as some of the Dan Brown books, but I don't feel I really have the time when there are so many things that need to be read for the first time.

Anyway, I hope you do get a chance to visit and let me know what you think. I'll try to do the same on your Skyswept writing. :-)

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