Contest Winners Announced with Steem Basic Income Shares!

in #steembasicincome6 years ago (edited)

And the Winners of the Contest are...


Drum roll please,

In 1st place: @Flemingfarm

If you don't like your surroundings, change them
If you don't like your situation, change it.
If you don't like your decisions, make different ones.
All of this leads to the life that YOU want to lead, not the one others want you to lead.

Life is like chess, always try and think at least 5 moves ahead, and if you can see the dead ends you can avoid them.

In 2nd place: @himalayannomad

Spread your wings and fly to 'where your heart takes you.

And in 3rd place: @iamjadeline

Embrace both your strength and weaknesses as they knitted into one you, and you are knitted together with one another. Like in an ocean of planktons, red fish, dolphins and whales, all are knitted to form the ecosystem. So embrace your own life.

I promised you 21 SBI shares, they will be split into 3, giving each one of you 7 shares 😁!

The order in which I will publish your quotes will be as follow:

  • 1st place will be for the month of October
  • 2nd place for the month of November
  • 3rd place for December

Congratulations to all three of you, enjoy the rewards!!!

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You are all amazing people!!! There really was a lot of great quotes and it was really difficult to pick the top 3. So in order reflect a little something for everyone here's a lost of all who participated, with their quotes:

Winners don't wait for luck, they just dream and work hard to make it true.

A lot of people seem to think that skepticism is a vice - and certainly not a virtue - but these people overlook the societal good that comes from skepticism. Skepticism doesn't mean not believing in anything or having no values, it means acknowledging the limits of our knowledge - knowing that we all have something to learn and that we can never assume that our first impression is right. It is about making sure that we do not hurt people and spread lies because they are convenient or fit a narrative we want to believe. It is about seeking out, and demanding, evidence for claims. It is about educating ourselves. It is about fact-based beliefs and policies. Imagine how much better off society would be if more people followed this worldview.

Spare a drop water a day to a growing seedling and in return it will gift you life.

Facebook is popular, but Steemit is forever.

Being fair is more difficult than being good or bad, because it is very easy to fall to either side of the coin.

You never see a shroud with pockets, or a hearse pulling a uHaul.

Be Good, Think Good and Do Good.

There is no pump without a dump.

You may rage, as you please, against the dying of the light, but bellowing at the setting of the Sun will not halt it in its course; and in truth, it is but a pale shadow of the Light that awaits beyond.

I am so lazy I search youtube for a black screen so I don't have to get up and turn off the T.V.

I would rather live for 30 years than make it to 100 and never have lived at all.

World take notice — STEEM will link together to form the strongest CHAIN that will be un-BLOCK-able!

Reflecting upon the nature is reflecting upon yourself.

Nothing in your life will change if you don't change.

Don't love others like your brother, or even your neighbor. Love them like they're a part of you. That man is your ear, and that woman is your chin. You might not always be happy with every part of yourself, but you know you must take care of every part of yourself.


Dreams Are Ideas Put Into Motion!

@coinsandchains had a few:
All bleeding stops eventually.

Blockchains are becoming like opinions, everybody’s got one.

You wont live forever, so why would you waste even a minute of the time you have left, worrying about what happened last year, last week, or even yesterday.

Good music is just math mixed with emotion….

It’s all good, cause it all depends on how you look at it.

If you want to be a millionaire, ask yourself this one question. What am I doing that’s worth a million dollars?

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Thank you everyone for participating and have a look into what @Steembasicincome is doing for the platform it is frankly pretty amazing!!!


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The @EcoTrain has made me very happy and proud to be a part of it, have a look at what other passengers have been writing

If you really want to know what is inside this Coconut, take a look at my Humans Of Steemit.

QUOTE OF THE MONTH: @Flemingfarm
If you don't like your surroundings, change them
If you don't like your situation, change it.
If you don't like your decisions, make different ones.
All of this leads to the life that YOU want to lead, not the one others want you to lead.

Life is like chess, always try and think at least 5 moves ahead, and if you can see the dead ends you can avoid them.

(If you want a quote of yours posted here for a month please let me know)

Join Us On Discord.

And don't forget… #DreamsComeTrue!


Congrats to the winners and thanks to @senorcoconut. I love Steemians that give back to the community :)

Thank you very much @senorcoconut! I have my quote in my head a lot during my life and I try hard to live up to it, though most times I have trouble making the grade. Kind of the story of my life, I have all the best advice for others but I can't seem to listen to myself and actually do the things I tell others.

Heehee, yes it's easier to say something than to do it sometimes! Keep trying, I really like it! Thanks again for playing

It's a nice collection of quotes. Congrats everyone. And, Thank you@senorcoconut for organising this interesting contest.

Posted using Partiko Android

You're welcome, did you notice any upvotes from @Steembasicincome yet?

No. Not yet. May be they take a couple of days to update the new sponsors. Is it?

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah maybe. Well eitherway, I hope it helps a little when it comes through 😁. I will run your quote all of November. Thanks for playing

Sorry but those are all about as orginal as my chocolate chip cookies recipe. I just threw up in my mouth.

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