JAVVY | World’s First Token To Support A Versatile Crypto Wallet With Built-in Decentralized Exchange

in #steemauto5 years ago

Javvy Combines a Comprehensive Wallet & Exchange Solution to Overcome the Insufficient Security of Web-based Wallets and Exchanges, Adaptation to Complex Regulations, and Mass Adoption of Cryptocurrency.


It is incredible that a comprehensive network of today with some confusing things has made the progress of our lives more simple and fundamental for us. with JAVVY, innovation that was enhanced in the blockchain rebellion. This innovation works with the awareness of man-made implanted in it. This instrument provides every exchange made in settings that are confirmed by diggers.

JAVVY is a dispersed open source platform that has been worked to take care of the issues looked by existing square circuits. ​​JAVVY TECHNOLOGY has been set up to keep the affirmation of mineworkers' exchanges, bringing about high exchange costs and deferrals in conveying cash while exchanging one wallet or bill to another. With JAVVY, clients control each other's exchanges, and this is done naturally with the assistance of man-made reasoning incorporated with each made record, man-made reasoning makes the youngster just for each new record or wallet, and encourages this to make exchanges specifically on his made, as data about past exchanges and each executed exchange is as of now known.

The comprehensive network of this present age with some confounding highlights have made our quotidian life advancement all the more rudimental and principal for us. with the JAVVY an enhanced innovation in the insurgency of blockchains. The innovation is worked with man-made consciousness implanted into it. This instrument avails each exchange made on the arranging get affirmed much homogeneous to diggers avail exchanges on the bitcoin blockchain to get affirmed.


JAVVY is an open source dispersed record that is worked to take care of the issues looked by the current blockchains. JAVVY Technology is set to free the affirmation of exchanges by mineworkers that prompt the mind-boggling expense of exchange charges and postponements in the conveyance of assets when exchanged starting with one wallet or record then onto the next. JAVVY is a open source record that works to deal with problems seen by the current blockchain. JAVVY is regulated to free up the confirmation of exchanges which drive the cost of confusing the burden and delay of exchange in the delivery of assets when exchanged starting with one wallet or recording later to the next.



Blockchain is becoming the cornerstone of modern innovation and has the potential to revolutionize the world. Recognizing this potential, JAVVY have assembled a professional team to create an all-encompassing blockchain trading platform. Since Cryptocurrency is designed for mainstream adoption, our platform will be a stop-shop for clients that intend to earn huge returns on investment. We will create a user-friendly system that incorporates the blockchain based assets. Javvy is the full integration of a universal wallet connected to numerous exchanges presently available to the cryptocurrency market. It eliminates the need for multiple accounts and applications while taking advantage of their respective benefits. Along with our simple and fast process for user registration and verification, Javvy brings confidence and clarity to the user as cryptocurrencies approach mass adoption. We provide all the tools necessary to securely store, use, and invest in cryptocurrency. Thanks to the world of technology mixed with the innovation of this company making it possible for the success of this exchange platform and standing it out in the Wild of Cryptocurrency with its exceptional cutting edge effort, as a corner stone and swift transformation to sort this industry out in the pre existing issues battling Cryptocurrency.


The following are a few of the problems which now plagues the blockchain industry:

Blockchain’s need to code: the existing blockchains all allow for the integration of its service into other projects. However, developers are required to pen down codes from the beginning of the project down to the end if they desire to have a complete customization. This process makes a lot of project teams put a lot of time and energy into the development of their projects. One would have expected that with the emergence of AI these things would have been simplified by now.

High transaction charges: every transaction been made on the blockchain has to be confirmed before it can be considered successful. Miners are seen as middlemen in the blockchain and are generally responsible for confirming every transaction which take place in there and because of these middlemen, transaction fees become more expensive because they are rewarded with some portion of the fees.


JAVVY instruments and services provide unique solutions on the basis of blockchain, which has no extant analogues in the world and offers revolutionary solutions regarding the consolidation of the world of cryptocurrencies and classical finance systems. Blockchain technology is widely used in JAVVY business processes which makes it impossible to substitute or lose financial data. The security system of JAVVY is unparalleled. It takes into account potential threats of all kinds which could compromise the data or lead to theft of funds. Through blockchain technology the whole platform will be fully transparent to the users. Using Smart contracts makes JAVVY a reliable and impartial guarantor of fulfilling obligations to the investors of the project.

High Security
JAVVY is centered around building Algorithms which are fit for working with (preparing, or working with) information while it is still in a encrypted state. As any piece of an information procedure which includes unencrypted decoded information speaks to a security hazard, decreasing these occurrences is the objective of JAVVY

Speed Of Transactions
JAVVY Cryptocurrency is utilized as progressive computerized cash in the JAVVY community. It is spoken to by the image JAVVY. JAVVY Coin is quick and can deal with more than 2000 exchanges for each second, making it the speediest and best installment digital currency.


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Users keep control over crypto funds

Avoids web-based exchange & wallet pitfalls

Supports all major cryptocurrencies/tokens

Advanced features (multi-sig & native ICO)

User-friendly focus on security

On Windows, iOS, Android, Mac, & Linux


JAVVY makes units of land-breaking designers easily accessible to have any conception that is arranged into authenticity in the shortest time that can be imagined with the most reduced information. JAVVY ​​innovation is soft, safe, and easy to use for programming designers that can be created, a platform that suits your desired business. JAVVY serves a major purpose of being an ecosystem which embodies other independent Platforms. JAVVY Technology is built to go miles further from the existing peers. Now, with the Power of JAVVY Developers of different industries having minimum level of programming now have the leverage of creating and building new problem solving projects and also having the flexibility of using the added super amazing features of JAVVY Technology. It allows for the customization and configuration of the intended new platform to be built giving them ultra-speed, tight security, simplicity, zero fees transaction and more. On JAVVY, developers do not have to border about coding their independent Platforms. The built in AI system is programmed to execute task of all kinds through a few lines of commands issued to it through code snippets

JAVVY constructively has a level of trade confidentiality protocol in accordance with peer-to-peer distributed ledger, private and trade transparency without any direct IP-contact between them. They can switch between these two accountants (public and private) in the conductor they want to use. In addition, JAVVY aims at building algorithms that are capable of working with data while it is still in an encrypted state. Since any part of the data processing process that includes providing unencrypted data is a security risk, reducing these incidents is the goal of JAVVY. A system which allow the customization and configuration of the intended new platform to be built giving them ultra-speed, strong security, simplicity, zero fees transaction and more.

With JAVVY, users verify each others transactions and this is made very automatic through artificial intelligence embedded into each account once created, the artificial intelligence creates child of itself for each new account or wallet created and this child helps the transactions made on its wallet confirmed instantly as information about previous transactions and every transaction made is already known to the Chain

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In Conclusion, JAVVY is an improved technology in the blockchain revolution. The ledger is distributed for the sole purpose of executing free transactions and providing a high level of security to all users. JAVVY is assumed where several other platforms can be built as the blockchain and where transactions are performed every second and confirmed.
However, transactions are executed on JAVVY and automatically confirmed peer to peer without the need for minors.


JAVVY is fast, can make multiple transaction and has its own prestigious coin called JAVVY Coin () which makes it fast payment cryptocurrency. JAVVY is in its alpha state and is represented by JAVVY Token, which is based on the Ethereum platform to serve its purpose as a digital currency. However, JAVVY is used on JAVVY for payments and transactions.



BountyOxusername: humblemee

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