Lost in the head-universe

in #steemartists6 years ago

Shimmer by Fuel came up on my Spotify playlist:

These lyrics stuck out as something I figured JJ probably constantly thinks about me:

She dreams a champagne dream
Strawberry surprise
Pink linen on white paper
Lavender and cream
Fields of butterflies
Reality escapes her

Fuel: Shimmer

He wasn't familiar with the song but when I showed him the lyrics he snickered and agreed.

Yeh, I can be a bit of an airheaded idealistic optimist when I'm not thinking I'm the biggest failwhale in the universe. Honestly I don't know why he puts up with me, he could do a lot better.

Then I had to sketch, and I need to practice romantic couples anyway, and the last selfie I've done was depressing, so I felt the need to do something a little more cheerful, so everything worked out nicely.

The initial ideas that I had were a bit more on the whimsical side including sitting in a field of lavender with butterflies but I didn't feel up to that level of sap yet, so I went with something a lot more "normal". When I'm seriously involved with my computer, JJ will often come up to see what I'm doing and then drop many hugs on me. If I had a tablet that was comfortable (I hate drawing on the sp4 and the Android apps that are on my CCH are really, really slow and laggy, and then Wacom seem to have stopped supporting it x_x hoping that the MobileStudioPro or whatever comes next by the time I'm able to afford something similar aren't so much of a letdown in that department, the CCH is great when it's a 13HD) I probably would cuddle up thusly with JJ on the couch while he's watching tv.

This post also appears on my blog.

Thanks for looking! ^_^

If you want to natter I usually haunt both the #teamaustralia channels (yes there's two, the PAL one and one for Aus/NZ), Be Awesome, and hang with the @steemartists on the server with the same name on Discord with a bunch of awesome people :D


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The steemaroo divider is free to use. Ask me nicely if you want an upgoat/cute critter footer.


aaaaaaaa such cute * ___ * very lovely couple piccar, ryry, love the poses :> andand, the expressions... the chara with the arm around the drawing one has this cuuuuuuuuute smile on his face XD

andandand i can see there's actually shading on the white shirt now :>


I had to add a multiply layer just for that shading on the white shirt! XD

Thanks spodey ^_^


Awww ryry, is this you and your SO? What a cute couple!
This drawing is so romantic, when I see a couple drawing, I feel warm and fuzzy inside.

And why would you think yourself as a failwhale? Funny word btw XD. If he doesn't appreciate you then it would be a terrible mistake >:3.


Yep this is me and my partner :) [shrivels] XD

Twitter used to have the failwhale on its error page:

stoleded from this article on the story of the failwhale which wasn't originally a failwhale XD

I've never actually had a twitter account, but I found the word "failwhale" amusing and started using it.

He does appreciate me (silly person that he is XD), I am probably on the receiving end of that look that I tried to draw on him more often than I think, that's usually what he looks like when I'm excitedly (or not so excitedly) doing or redoing something because THIS ONE IS BETTER or just constantly banging on about something that he has no idea about XD

Thanks! :D


Whew.... that look that he gives you, what a tender and loving gaze. You two are precious <3.

Loved this post. ❤️ It’s the first more personal of yours I’ve caught. If this is selfie and that’s your hair, then woooooow! Hehe.

Even though this was not a sappy sketch of you and your guy, it’s still very sweet. Loved the lyrical reference too. Very you as I know you, but add a quiet bit of steel in all that champagne, strawberries and butterfly whimsy. ;)

Edit: Failwhale? Hardly. You steadily walk your own path.

Yeh when I do selfies I usually just draw whatever I'm wearing and whatever colour happens to be in my hair at the time (though sometimes I'll do the mohawk bleach tipped even when it's not purely for visual interest). It's still blue atm, whatever brand of colour they put in is awesome, it's the longest blue has ever stayed in my hair! I did it for the Perth steemup so that people would be able to find the meetup easily, worked great XD

Thanks ^_^ I get influenced by lyrics quite easily, though usually end up throwing my characters in various situations with it. I keep the steel around, but admittedly these days I do tend to hide in my head-univerese a lot.

I don't know about steadily, maybe more like looking I've had a few too many with occasional bouts of anime rage at uncaring walls XD But we'll get there eventually ;D


That steem hair HAHAHA

The colour is still in :D Though it's faded now.


💜 you got me in th feelsbwith this one!

I am simultaneously glad and sorry that I managed to evoke a strong emotional response XD


That's so awesome! The look on JJ's eyes is so loving. I like the composition overall, and the accompanying song is just so great! You, an idealistic optimist!? :O You're one of the biggest self-critics I know, mate haha! But, I'm glad to know that you're predominantly in a sunnier disposition :D

Thanks ^_^ Yeh I don't have much of a middle ground, working on that XD



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