SIAF's Media Contest Entry ^.^

in #steemartists7 years ago (edited)



It's been a contest marathon week for me, wow. XD
But I'm gonna end it with one of the most interesting but also hard to create. Why - because when someone gives you a blank canvas and asks to show what you're best at, you just don't know what to draw, right?
I was just like that at the beginning, haha. blushes
But... once you start it, there's no stopping you. ^.^

This journey will not only reveal this work, it will be a form of confession, a glimpse of my strange/interesting view of life. :P
Hope you're ready, it will be a long one.


The Idea
This piece is a bit different from everything else, maybe because I incorporated several interesting ideas in it.
The main one was the nature - as a beautiful, but very fragile being that needs love, understanding and care.

I had this vision in my mind of a huge rose where a new creature is born.
Although sounds cheesy, there's a special meaning behind the choice of this flower - my country grows roses.
In fact, we have a place called Rose Valley, a total area of 3282 square kilometers, which are used to make 85% of the world’s rose oil.
This can turn tables, hehe. ;)


Choosing Colors
The second important thing is choosing the right colors for the drawing.
First had to make some research on the roses that grow in Rose Valley - surprisingly they are not red, but light pink.
With some special help from Adobe Color CC came up with several color combinations (also called moods).
Color Wheel_02.jpg


Basic Sketch
I can't really say what I'm best at. I just like to experiment with different things.
But drawing was the one that accompanied me throughout my conscious life. Since I could remember, instead of alphabet, I draw shapes and figures.
Even today the human anatomy is a key element in my drawings. ^.^

_Hee Jae_For Present_01.jpg

So here's the basic sketch. This time I wasn't really sure how will she look like. Just wanted to keep her human features.
The idea was to concentrate on the flower bed for now.


Making the Rose
_Hee Jae_For Present_02.jpg

Started with a shade of pink, just to see if this corresponds with her position, the blue background and skin tone. I knew I had to change the last one later.
Another thing that was on my mind - some huge eyelashes that blend with the rest of the head or hair.


_Hee Jae_For Present_03.jpg

Now the rose started to take shape. I wasn't sure how this will turn out, so every color was on separate layer. In case of mistake (I had to delete some parts), just change the shade I'm not satisfied with.
Also, didn't want the rose to be too dark (as the red version).


_Hee Jae_For Present_04.jpg

It was time for some highlights, nothing too fancy, just the parts near her body. That front part was also the focus of the drawing, my intention was to blur the rest (including the petals from the back).


_Hee Jae_For Present_05.jpg

With this progress shot I made an exception, adding a bit of the darkest shade from the previous color palette. That brought additional depth to the rose.
I was quite satisfied with the rose so next was adapting the face and body.


_Hee Jae_For Present_07.jpg

Starting with the lightest shade for the skin and gradually darkens only some areas. Also made changes on her eyes (a bit bigger) and eyebrows (vice versa).
This is one of the illustrations when the face is not very detailed, my main goal was to make it blend together with the rest of the sketch.
Also it was kind of a big experiment, because I didn't use a reference photo and made it from an imagination (a huge step for me, I can tell). ^.^
Well, next is the hair...


_Hee Jae_For Present_09.jpg

I had some issues with the head and hair, I believe you can tell it's different from my usual illustrations. But this time decided to leave her like that - less human, more natural. Also, I leave the hair and green leaves to your imagination. ;)
She's after all a metaphor, a representation of the nature and also my culture. ^.^
The rose wreath and the jewels on the forehead are characteristic elements in the traditional costumes of the Bulgarian woman.


Final Sketch
_Hee Jae_For Present_011.jpg

Finally adding some distant mountain on the background. Because I'm still not good with landscape, used a brush set by the incredible Midnightstouch. You can find more of her stuff on DA: Sentinels of Time

I also increased the contrast of the whole illustration by making a duplicate version on top with a Soft Light mode.


I didn't expect but this post took me two days to make. Maybe I took it too seriously. ^.^
As a creator, as a person who tries to improve herself every day, I encourage others to DARE. To make new things everyday. To DREAM. The world is not pink, nor it is perfect. But it is up to us to change it.
I hope you believe me, because I was once one of those introverted, ill-minded, always expecting the worse things person. That's why I was getting exactly what I expected. But blaming others didn't help.
The change only happens if you allow it. If you have "eyes for it".
I was blessed to meet the right people who revealed a new way of thinking and dealing with the world.
Now I welcome every day with gratitude and smile.
And I hope to share this positive fraction of myself with you.


^.^ Have a inspiring day, everyone! ^.^
Thank you for stopping by!


This is so beautiful! Thank you for your entry!

I thank you, @seenitallfilms, for this incredible contest!
This is the first time I express myself so deeply on Steemit. ^.^

I am really happy to see fellow creatives get involved and create some amazing artworks. I hope to see more of your work in the future :)

I always wanted to do digital art, but laid with film instead.
This picture is so pretty. I love the colour palette and the design. Very magical.

It's very lovely~ the rose petals are so alive and prettyful and delicate * ___ * and the woman is so enchanting with that small smile and her lips colours are very rosey and she's just like a spirit of the rose~

GOOD LUCK in the contest, katalina!!! <3


Thank you, Spidey! ^.^ <3
I forgot to mention this in my post, because was searching for the right word and you found it - she is a spirit of the roses. ^.^

Beautiful work, indeed

Thank you very much, @blue-dragon! ^.^

Congratulations on winning first prize in the media contest. I have purchased you a @steembasicincome share! Thank you for your wonderful entry :D and keep creating amazing artwork!

Oh, wow! Thank you, @seenitallfilms! ^.^
What a great surprise! Can't express it with words!
Thank you once again! The pleasure and honor was all mine! bows

No problems I am glad to be helping out my fellow minnow creatives. It's time for creatives to start overtaking the trending page, so let's work bloody hard on it! Ahaha! Thanks again for your stunning submission.

I fell in love with your theme!
I was able to share in one post my drawing skills, give advice and opinion, and also reveal the beauty of my culture. ^.^

Yay I am pleased. It was a beautiful entry!

i love the colors ! Good combination :)

Thank you! ^.^
I'm so glad you like it.

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