'I See The Light' ~ Painting From Start to Finish

Whats In This Name I Decided On ..

To me this piece was about HOPE. It was what I was feeling at the time I was painting it. I felt there is hope.. hope exists and I want to share that feeling by painting something. But what? I wanted to name this piece 'I See The Light At The End Of The Tunnel', but you would have fallen asleep before reading to the end of that long name. It's just as well that I shortened it to 'I See The Light'.

A progression collage in case you don't want to read to the bottom of this post...


I have to admit something..

I didn't know that I was going to draw an eye until after it evolved a bit. At first I just wanted to paint a few black and white random shapes. Then I saw the eye looking down. Oh no! No no no. This eye has to be looking upwards. That's when I felt the hope fill me..when I turned the painting around.

The first few shots ..

I was laying out some basic shapes using Black oil paint and my finger. I am using Ivory Black and watercolor paper this time.



At this point here, below ..

I realized that I wanted to finish this painting as an eye. So I started to rough in what I can remember an eye appearing like. I am strictly using my imagination and memory of how an eye would look. By not looking at a reference photo of some kind, the eye quickly evolved into (what appears to me) a grotesque, almost cartoon like form.



Now I flip It Up Side Down ..
And a wave of ease floats over me. I feel so much happier with the eye looking upward. I feel like this represents the feeling I am after. I am now going to continue with layering in some shading, using my finger. 95% of this painting was painted using my right pointer finger. I am also introducing in some Titanium White. I want to get rid of half of the eye lid/socket as if we are looking at this eye from the side instead of strait on. With a little bit of pressure and paint, the dark black paint that absorbed into the paper somewhat, is starting to blend out.


More, More More ..

More shading, more blending and more Titanium White. I also start to add in a few eye lashes.


A This Here Point ..

I add in a cheek bone, then realize that I hate it! So what do I do? Blend it out of there with the White paint. Easy fix. I just didn't like the way it was positioned. I tried to correct the angle a half a dozen times before I realized that I really didn't want it there anyhow.


I'm Continue On ..

and add more shadowing to the back of the eye and more light toward the front of the eye. In the last few photos I placed in some highlights on those lashes, pupil, and lower lid.



I Am Now Finished ..

I soften everything up with gentle circles using very light pressure and the tip of my finger. I break out my signature brush and place my autograph on this bad boy. Now that I am all done, I stepped away for a while. When I returned to it a while later, I still felt a sense of hope spring to life from this piece. I don't know if you feel the same about it, but that's okay too. That's the cool thing about art..everyone sees something different.


Summery Photo ..


If Your Interested In Purchasing Any Of My Work:

This painting (Eventually) along with other works can be found for sale in my Facebook Shop: https://www.facebook.com/pg/BDMillerGallery/shop


Make me an offer (in SBD) in the comments section of this post. I will consider all offers.

If we agree on a price, you can transfer the SBD to my wallet. I will then ship the painting to you. (shipping costs will be determined by your location and also payable in SBD).

Thank you for swinging by my blog and checking out the post. Have a great day!




very beautiful, I guess this eye asked you to draw it :)

lol. For sure. Thanks!

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