Fudster To Jupiter’s Moon!

in #steeman4 years ago

While in Africa, Orunmila and Ogun tweaked Steeman a little. Ogun fortified the already indestructible vibranium suit and Orunmila removed the 13 week power down requirement from Steeman’s code since it was no longer required.

In the new rules, power down is instant, with a 15% burn. So Steeman was awake and well, unknown to Fudster, even if 15% weaker (temporarily).

This time Steeman had the element of surprise. Having updated himself via the Wakanda visor, knowing fully well now what entity he’s dealing with, he took drastic action.

At twice the speed of sound, Fudster is basically paralysed and isn’t able to respond. Steeman lifted him to outer space, far beyond the reach of any telephone masts and satellites so he couldn’t interface with any network at all.

Fudster was left to float away in space, hopefully to never return. Steeman would need some time to figure out what to do with Fudser. He couldn’t just destroy him since he’s part of the Steem blockchain. The blockchain may become unpredictable and imbalanced as a result. There may need to be a hard fork to eradicate Fudster’s footprint first.

Now, while both Steeman and Fudster can fly, they need the Earth’s atmosphere to propel. They can fly right to the edge of space, but not beyond it. Steeman is able to propel in space due to the suit upgrade. The microfibres of vibranium are able to vibrate to generate kinetic energy even in a vacuum.

Fudster soon got sucked into Jupiter’s orbit, and embarked on a cold, lonely journey in the darkness of space.


In the mean time, without Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt, the Steem blockchain began to awaken. The immediate effect of this is the bullish direction of the price of Steem.



Peace and Love ✌🏿

All copy and photos are original content by me.
© adetorrent.com

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