
I will be very happy at the time had the pleasure myself useful and can help others. Because I feel this life will be wasted if it is not able to provide benefits to others. I know that life in this world is very short, I want to give the best of myself to the people around me. Nothing is more beautiful than it can make other people smile happily.

Saya akan sangat merasa sangat gembira pada saat diri saya bermanfaat dan dapat membantu orang lain. Karena saya merasa hidup ini akan sia-sia jika tidak dapat memberikan manfaat bagi orang lain.
Saya tahu bahwa hidup di dunia ini sangat singkat,saya ingin memberikan yang terbaik dari diri saya kepada orang-orang dikesitar saya. Tidak ada satupun yang lebih indah selain dapat membuat orang lain tersenyum bahagia.

I do agree with you @dodybireuen

Bahagia itu sederhana, mendapatkan vote dengan pembayaran mahal walaupun hanya mendapatkan 1x vote, vote me and follow me. Thanks

Wise.. :)

Membahgiakan orang lain adalah hal paling indah dalam kehidupan. Dimana kita saling membantu dan saling mendukung apa yang bisa kita perbuat untuk mereka. Dengan hanya sedikit senyuman manis yang di berikan , ada rasa bahagia dalam diri kita, rasa bahagia yang tak dapat di tulis, di rekam, atau pun di catat oleh siapapun. Karena rasa bahagia tersebut seperti angin yang bisa di rasa namun tidak dapat di raba.

Raising others is the most beautiful thing in life. Where we help each other and support each other what we can do for them. With just a little sweet smile that is given, there is a sense of happiness in us, a sense of happiness that can not be written, recorded, or recorded by anyone. Because the sense of happiness is like a wind that can be in taste but can not be groped.

That is the best attitude that we must practice in steemit.

amazingly, you have a very high social sense

Terus melakukan hal-hal yang baik dan bermanfaat untuk orang-orang di sekitar Anda. Tanpa Anda sadari, orang-orang di sekitar Anda akan mengapresiasikan apa yang telah Anda berikan dengan hal-hal yang tidak akan pernah Anda duga. Do all your best !

Helping the person is a noble act, though small, will return.

Membahagiakan orang dengan tersenyum

It's amazing you are my brother ... a very special thing if you have such a thing. You should be sampled by the crowd

Kontribusi baik anda sudah dicicipi banyak orang....

Pencerahan yang sangat bagus untuk diikuti oleh para steemian termasuk saya...

Budha once said: "“Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.”

sangat membahagiakan punya teman seperti kamu @dodybireuen

Sudah saya vote bos.... Semoga bisa menang.

Ilmu yang bermafaat mari kita berbagi semoga dapat di pergunakan.

Knowing that I am on the path to freedom makes me happy.This is not because i will not be working a 9 to 5 job after my undergrad studies but the thought of seeing my younger siblings not going through the hardship i have been through, makes me excited for that future and it is all because of STEEMIT.

having a wonderfull day with my girlfriend and feel that we are closer then ever :)

What make me happy ? Well done hard work .. it can be any work .. some small or big success of children , at job , in life .. we always value things more when we make much efforts . And me too .

Giving to others is important because when we are in that spot of need , we would also wish that someone would help USB’s . My dream is to help the poor in the future . When I grew up in poverty back home I had no food , little clothing and a father who would hide from us . We just needed help to get on our feet again and I’d never think I’d be in NYC 16 years later and speaking English . Doing good things for others doesn’t make you better, it shows that humanity still exists . Do things without expecting a return

about this issue that is about the thing that most makes me happy is when I gathered with my family and spent time with my loved ones family. because at the time of the holidays is a time when I was chested on their side and can share the happiness with them that is my family.

of the months we work on and on but on vacation all the brothers are both boys and girls all come home village yard to be together in enjoying the holiday atmosphere in the hometown with beloved family. that's what makes me the happiest for now.

This Good post @good-karma
I like this because I am very happy with my family

Everyone in the world want to happy. but how can we spend a happy life by spread happiness to other.
I am 20 year old
i start working for the humanity and i find happiness in it.
i have donated my blood 4 times in 1 and half year.
I agreed more then 20 people to donated there blood once in a year and they start donation there blood.
If you give money, it means you are giving food but if you are donating blood you are giving life.

recently me and my friend start a program "Wall Of kindness Phase 2 Give warm save life
we have donated more then 2000 packs for of warm shawls , jackets , coats , socks , and other warm things.
Yesterday we visited primary schools and we have donated more then 50 sweaters , 100 warm caps and deliver a motivational lecture to the students.

Do Good Have Good
As you sow shell you reap.
Donate your blood , your blood donation can save someone,s life.

This is lovely! I used to donate my blood as often as I could (every 2 months here), but after traveling to certain parts of the world they don't let me anymore. :'( I agree that it's such an easy thing to do if you meet the requirements and there's a donation bank nearby!

don,t donate your blood after 2 months. donate your blood after 4 months minimum 3 months.
it is really amazing work.
invest only 5 to 10 minutes and saves one or sometime two lives by donating your blood.

At this point of my life, I have to emphatically admit that the thing which makes me truly happy is when my 9 months old daughter is laughing. Why? Because it is the most honest and pure act of happiness I have ever heard in my life :)

Being with my family, my girlfriend, and my close friends. One day they won't be there any longer. I lost my father a little over a year ago, and you learn quickly to cherish the time you have with everyone. There will still be disagreements, and there should be, but you cannot dwell on them. Speak your mind, listen, and move past (if it is something that can be overcome).

As our priorities keep on changing with time and our interests too, so I were to answer this question every 5 hours , they would all be different even they are from the same person. So Right now I am 27 years old and and 3D artist cum graphic designer, I love making abstract art and that makes me ultimated bliss, I remember when I was a kid and when my teacher gave the whole class to do any sum, if I was the first one to solve it in the whole class, at that moment my happiness was at the top. Those moments are not easy to be realized now because we have grown up now and mind has started deluding us, but still there are few moments I enjoy the most
When I am in the company of kids especially little babies smile.

When I make an abstract art.

And since I joined the steemit, this also gives a lot of happiness when any whale upvotes my post.

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