@tyrnannoght : Updates, 20200628

in #steemace4 years ago (edited)


"We have this false belief there's nothing that humans can't understand because we have infinite intelligence...and maybe there's something fundamental about that idea : that no machine can have an output more sophisticated than itself"

― Jeff Lichtman

Some posts explaining (on steemit in this case : ) -

(how to register the steemitwallet-account used with the website)

At the moment :

@tyrnannoght combined vote 0.034571161685211 STEEM(!)after payout - 28 Sunday Jun 2020, 2:30 UTC
These , F.a.q and contact form and info can be found here

  1. The Burning, 28 : re-arranging ... as the main program moves to the 1500+ lines of code (without the functions) both ZeroDesing and Syntax Error feel the need. Still not convinced about the evil of subroutines though - it's basic after all. It often seems a lot more hassle to have to pass everything including all 3d tiles and the whole set of menubuttons + the width and height of the device and six or seven others to a function where they become local copies. Either that or re-declaring half of it INSIDE the function which is, to the best of my knowledge one instruction or OP at least per declaration (extra), which kinda makes subroutines ... i dont know ... attractive in a lot of cases. And its not a website or some python thing - its a game. And also not sure : if you use php you pass those things by reference (at the risk of altering them but i assume you know if it will or wont since you wrote that function since me is i and that is that , to save memory, right ? memory - the main issue in php related stuff (look at json and serialized arrays versus custom structures w/ implode/explode or the likes, you will find yourself shoveling around a LOT more bytes than you actually have to in a LOT of cases, but its EASY, and READABLE ... which doesnt make it better ... and efficient ...) question is : i assume passing by reference creates a pointer or something b/c the data in the variable can be changed WITHIN the function AND it will be changed after the function returns, but does that require an extra cycle ? I'm thinking cycles more as its 'in the loop' that counts for the game. Does a pointer require an extra cycle, whereas a variable used in a subroutine does not ? im not THAT savvy, although plenty would probably think it thinks too far but i dont, i think if you cant fix moore's law thinking like that will be your only option (as well as getting rid of the silly notion of building a billions dollars supercomputer ... and then run python on it ??!?) anyway ... yes i wish, i wish i were ... like not tired after two or three hours and still jolly good ole 'Jo with 150 people in his phone, the socializer, cat and stuff , but i'm not ... if you want the metafor, you like bibles and cars right ? good : so you take a sledgehammer and you work your car over for several years . And then one day you go ... O but ! and you buy it a new coat of paint and in the morning you look at the crumbled heap of freshly painted metal and you realize ... this isn't really fixed overnight ... you ... me ... entropy, broken eggs and cake
  2. The Burning, 27 : timing of the essence .. in essence the world is not supposed to stop when you log out and so : timing and calculation of events BUT howto - if you sit for 8 hours and get attacked its gonna be at a certain time, and what happens after depends on what happens there. Its nothing new or special (but what is) if in something like stronghold kingdoms your scouts tell you there's a stash of this or that or you move an army to a city because your scouts tell you its ill-defended, then by the time you get there someone else picked up the stash OR reinforcements came in from an angle you didnt see ... that game has been running for what ? 10 years or more, people actually PAY them , and so ... its far less weird than it seems, it just sounds weird because its me and you get your kneejerk reaction (plus the fact that im not allowed to do anything but crazy , cuzz). Huh yea, the website, i know i know, but the client is just more interesting, you know how it goes with new toys .. i was expecting to have to re-compile a custom version of firefox and then i found that ... and on the other hand , as well as on this hand, i can see how much traffic and response i get but ... maybe some still dont get it : i am damaged, my life is FUCKED, there is no acceptable future left, i will very likely spend my days in a place i hate and its not a product, i am not asking or researching 'what people want' , i am not an AAA+ studio with millions, i am a rank amateur with nothing but one cat left and of the things i wanted to do : making a game is the only one left i could ... i am not competing, i am not interested in competitive psychopaths crawling up my ass because they HAVE TO ... none of that intrests me ... in case theres still some who missed that
  3. The Burning, 26 : well ... the long awaited shader pack ... im quite content i waited for a sale and a deal since a simple scene with one body of water wont go over 20fps ... which makes it probably un-usable for my purposes. Severe lack of sleep again had me wake up with burning eyes and sore but im slightly confused on the bits that go "Please do not share any of this code" in this shaderpack i bought ... i must be missing the point of paying for it somehow
  4. The Burning, 25 : its hot , and still calm at the moment ... but as often said , after so much time in hell, calm just feels like "they're planning something" where they is fill in the dots ... but as for the game, well plenty on all sides. I was wondering since it keeps 'real time' serverside (on the World's End 10 month calendar) how to go about stuff like construction in a world thats low magic because some things would take years ... not a real problem as such since there is no design, just a general idea and i feel the world is more important than whatever shape the games take and since i DID decide to make at least every zone in the lower wards different there's ample room AND skyrim does without construction ... Fallout too ... i was just wondering , i guess im up for some r & ...d ? not r, right , it seems building roads in the desert or something might be a bit of an issue playing day-by-day
  5. The Burning, 22 : brain and other pain , summertime - exTREMELY short nights ... revamping the serverside bit that sends the current mapwindow so it stays within bounds (probably not for the last time) ... tsch tsch, well that's an official request , it can either be officially ignored or officially replied to, in any case its official and written :) - *no comment* its serious to ME , very ... haaah, well the question was serious, i would like to be treated like a serious citizen even if i'm not the descendant of a slave from kongo. That shit's been very real, and utterly annoying, waiting for me to snap on some protozoan braincell-ass ... pardon my french ... i dont live in Dijon after all or i could fix everything myself and fast too ...(ow shit off-topic ... KANAMORICHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII, ta (su) ke te ? my zbelling is teh suck) the whole intention is to AVOID more hassle by preventing escalation ... i'm not ne fucking pispot, yo ... kapish maybe?
  6. The Burning, 21 : not much ... it woke me up at 9,10,11,12 ... and turns out another test Von drukkerland "to see what..." , so nothing much , i'll need an extra maplevel but without sleep my head won't wrap itself around camerapositions and extra planes in thirdspace (premise being somewhat that if one tile is 5km² and this hellhole social housing bit i live in is 0.25km² then i can fit this hill (i think something must have been buried here milennia ago ... the romans were here so maybe they did or older) 400 times in one tile .. like subsurface modifiers, only terrainwise , the how-and-how is on a need to know basis and i dont even know yet but thats plenty to be exploring me thinks ... by now im quite sure it wont be an rpg-maker clone ... (although i dabbled a bit with the javascript options and that thing is actually capable of pretty complex stuff but i have one interrupted head and on a good day i get about 60 minutes into it so splitting that over this, rpgmaker, C and wasm seems a bad idea) but im just trying to fit a representative tiletexture into the UI depending on spot and i fear thats it , im burning, not enough sleep i wake up with burning eyes and the inflammation(s) in neck and shoulder dont start from zero , they start from where left-off , opinions on the matter dont really change the facts ...
  7. The Burning, 21 : trying hard to figure out how studios go for years without money and then BAM put a game on the table , i think it must be like twitter and spacex did that but not sure how that actually works in the real world ... i find myself going 'huh?' too many times per minute so i think i should listen to the body lest im down for two days afterwards. positioning context menus on the 2D-'flat' depending on where the pawn/players is in 3d, and then extending it as some have deeper levels like for instance 'move' would have simple move or explore which behave differently but thats too much info already. If no one plays it it needs no explanation, if enough will play it, it will get more explanation than i could ever provide. I lurk around here and there in betweenies, if stuff like star citizen comes with a pledge and then stuff like Icarus (and maybe New World) is f2p ...? i wonder if it will still be legal to ask money for a game in 5 years lol and mostly HOWTO - get that money actually, all those people look like they were born with money, right ? but which part is smoke and mirrors ? What does it matter anyway , by 2150 ill be dead or demented :) SO ... washed-up beach is just one playtype within the game, it has some shape in my head but its gonna be a lot (of research), nobody said it was easy, but i got a zombieclicker here. You just click the zombies and they go BOOM ! ... you gonna pay me for that ? :p - JUSTK ...not ... doesnt matter since this is what im doing and its about all thats left i both can and want to do ... the rest requires money .. about every cent i couldnt make in the past 20 years ... O WAIT ... yea its time Kanamori came back, im euh ... going off-topic too much again :) I was looking into C (cuz the 'typedef' stuff and compiled basic nd what not) and then subsequently web-assembly (which looks nice but in essence is still slowed down by sandboxing and yes : if you could do all that in wasm you wouldnt really need a browser b/c you would have a standalone app - ... but it wont (i dont think it will) work out well with prefab like phaser or three.js because they all have their own routines that do the calculating. It would more like increase the speed if you just calculated all the data (vertices and whatnot) in ASM and then pushed it to standar js -Webgland ...and ...And ... that was definitely a yawn ... i KNOW its friday but ...in case anyone forgot, even before the zombie apocalypse ... theres nowhere i wanna go here, even if i had the money
  8. The Burning, 20 : after very careful consideration, sir, (i have to come to the conclusion your system sucks! where the hell did that sample come from again ??!?) no, srusly - digging i just hunch about (like is types an impact on performance etc ... but i remembered something one word 'typedef' and indeed ... im pretty much convinced the whole thing just converts to C(or ++) and compiles like that. It's too raw a type of basic i have ever seen before so my best guess now is those are all functions written in C(..++) with the bitwise and not too old for ROR and ROL , memblocks, setting separate bytes and whatnot ... certainly didnt have that in commodore or simons basic , cant remember on atari either , so i will for now, ASSUME that using custom data types will boil down to 'typedef' in C and should have no actual impact on performance ? uh ? yeas ... i DID ... other stuff at 3am depending on the state of life and readily available specimens of the female species , what kind of an inappropriate question is that ? no complaining : i practically begged to work from home, for years impossible , damage over time has brought me to this, i will never be whole again, whatever YOU want its too late , but i still feel you owe me damages for the years you cost me and the money i couldnt make , plus intrest ... let me know who and where and otherwise i probably (certainly) will not be interested in 'talking' and all that stuff i used to do ... owh , stick to the game ...yea kanamori-chan has leave today, i better stop talking before i get some kind of suits at my door again.

    hm well ...


    Trying to keep busy , despite it all, summer has never been my most productive since the shy a+-grade hayfever kid still existed, and all the subsequent madness has chipped away a lot, leaving ...
    well, what's left i guess, shards ... hard to know which one is on the surface before you open the box, as said a lot, kiplings cat in a schroedingers nest, but no longer kiplings cat ...

    its really hard to focus, and today i dont know what ... it felt like last night i was being mindprobed by aliens and today its more like disemboweled from the inside and that eerie dizzy feeling of almost fainting .. nothing new though, i just dont know what it is and according to doctors :
    its nothing lol ... doctors ... police ... you know ...

    moving on up, 0.034 STEEM after payout (minus curation and whatnot) ... so in another 3 years if steem gets back to a dollar it will be a 6cent vote !

    all things considered it doesnt feel like the time to buy steem (or hive or any other uncertainty) but dont let that stop you .. some people seem to LOOVE the attention that comes with a hi-powered vote ... by all means

    buy that stuff into the heavens :p

    Decided to use some of our yearly budget of : currenty : 0 euro (lol haha) to spread some love so :

    Tyrnannoght is now proud (albeit very small) sponsor of :

    • CC0 textures : https://www.patreon.com/cc0textures

    • Tiled : https://www.patreon.com/bjorn

    • Phaser : https://www.patreon.com/photonstorm

    • theres certainly a few more i wouldnt mind showing appreciation but for now 0/3 = 1 . I'm looking into one for mine but i have contacted the ministry of soviet culture first to see if im actually allowed to keep a dollar for myself without being a tax-terrorist under the current conditions and states and if not if maybe it would be allowed to just swap it for stuff like hosting or hardware for machines to work on. I doubt ill get the 5000 or more a month needed to just get the documents and fees to start up a registered business any time soon and i sure as hell dont need THE state to come up with another way of taking everything+1 for the umpteenth time heh ...

    @tyrnannoght holds:(20200612)

    • GG : 6103 staked #GG (#steemace good-game tokens), same thing, community is very much alive , like anything on steemit you get the same people in the trending section (wink) so its normal and alive , and also : hoping to see them expand on the options in the future, get creative with whatever these things can do, if possible find ways to go about keeping it alive even if steem-engine were gone ...
    • UFM : 5153 staked , #UFM .. @upfundme #upfundme ... it's ... upfund me !
    • the others are quentities not really worth mentioning
    • several coins seem to have disappeared from steem-engine with no warning or refunds - caveat emptor

    for the websites and other platforms scroll to the bottom of the post,
    i check telegram once a day and will try the reply section on @tyrnannoght once a day but im not online 24/7 ofcourse

    all images, code, programming, foul language, and about everything else copyright 2017 - 2150 alleycat.be (unless it is made available on opengameart or unless it is available on my sourceforge bit ) - trespassers in my cables will be shot, trolls will be marked ... survivors will be hung outside my window with their head on a pike on my driveway as a warning

    i'll put up discord, facebook and the likes as it becomes available

    the product will not make you rich nor will it make you popular or beautiful

  9. no salespitch

    no mediahype

    the game is NOT open source, neither is any of the code around it ... (to me that makes perfect sense actually)

    *Shrouded in mist* *on hilltop lies* *the City of Night*
    (tyr - nan - noght)

    for more you can check out :

    pinterest : https://www.pinterest.com/alleycatd0033/

    The Youtube Channel (click) (youtube channel will be cleaned up a little and posting of videos will be less frequent, its not a tutorial series after all ...)

    twitter : https://twitter.com/tyrnannoght

    Facebook four or five weeks later they're 'reviewing my submission' still i dont think doucheberg likes me much

    any questions about anything, you can drop a note on telegram at : https://t.me/tyrnannoght

    discord : https://discord.gg/hkF4FtR (i check discord at best once a week at the moment, if anything were ever urgent its best to use the contact-form on site or drop a note on telegram for now)

    any kind of abuse (spoofed email spam or anything at all), please drop a note to report at : https://t.me/tyr_abusereports

    The goldmanmorgan actual website :

    The @tyrnannoght actual website (where the game will be, moving servers atm ...

    steemit Tyrnannoght community : here

    powered by : @steembasicincome , @incinboost , @team-cn , @upfundme

    if these mentions bother you please let me know in reply to @tyrnannoght or on telegram pls , those are the only two i check daily atm



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