
I have zero interest in steem prices going up right now as I don't have a need to sell any of it. So the longer it stays low the better for me. Those that need to pull income out care about it pumping for short term gains, those that are here for the long haul and just building our accounts gain nothing by the price increasing.

I'm just bitter because while it was at it's lows I was ready to purchase a chunk of coins three times and life happened. Boiler had to be replaced which wiped out all of my savings and liquid funds. Then saved up just enough that I was getting ready to buy again then dishwasher crapped out with the garbage disposal...made the wife happy and fixed it right away instead of buying more Steem. Then got right back to that same point again and my hot water heater started leaking and had to replace that. So I'm maybe 2-4 weeks from being back to a point where I can comfortably buy some steem again and naturally we are seeing the price start pumping up. Just can't seem to win lol.

Yeah. I've been there and it sucks. Right when I wanted to pull the trigger and buy some, something goes wrong in real life.

Posted using Partiko Android

I will say it's better the way it happen then if I had bought and then all this happened. At least this way I was able to take care of things that needed to be done without completely stressing out as to how they would be paid for. The lost opportunity sucks, but not having heat or hot water would have been worse. The Dishwasher and garbage disposal could have waited...but was really nice to keep the wife happy.

Yeah. The opportunity to buy will come again.

Posted using Partiko Android

ahh that sucks!!! It may still be cheap!

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