I put my ass on the line and resteemed this; my account better be on your autovote list first thing in the morning. @berniesanders
I put my ass on the line and resteemed this; my account better be on your autovote list first thing in the morning. @berniesanders
bernie put this le'pap shill on your auto-flag list! :p
dj plis man
you sheldon Pooper ;-;
You're a dipshit. LMFAO. You're supporting an abuser. He's actually THE biggest abuser on steemit. He rapes the reward pool daily, for more than you can imagine. All the while claiming "JUSTICE!!" and flagging innocent people. He's got more accounts than you can imagine and in my posts, I list the ones I can PROVE are his. He's got many, MANY more. If you support him, you might as well just be burning your money, because you're making a retarded decision. Do a little research before you vote for such an abusive piece of shit. Makes you look dumber than you already are. :)
No, you're the dipshit.