Voting systems. Check out Slashdot Moderation & Metamoderation.

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

So, people are discussing the voting systems and their vulnerability to attacks, usefulness of upvote/downvote functions and the like. We are in the early stages of this sytem, with this being beta, and from what I understand the system changed several times since launch to better foster the value of the Steemit platform as a whole.
There were some snags on the road, and people are suggesting different solutions for the current situation.

What I beleive, is that we should check out existing systems, and adopt their ideas, if they fit with what Steemit is and is trying to be.

One of the best such systems, that I am aware of is Slashdot Moderation & Metamoderation system.
Slashdot logo

Of course it is quite different, since the platform and the goals behind it are somewhat different. Still, one of the main goals is to bring best content to the top, while filtering out undesired content. The main difference is that the system is aimed at rating comments and thus is not as useful, if not completely useless for rating posts. Still, some things from that systems could be adopted to adress the problems pointed out in current system.

For example the system includes a reason for up/downvote, which provides the author with valuable feedback. Perhaps some upvote reasons increaing visibility with reduced payout addition, and vice versa. Same thing with downvotes. Some don't reduce reputation, some don't reduce payout or visibility.
There are other similar and interesting systems that might be valuable to examine.
I've suggested this one in the comments, and from the response I've got, I have a feeling it is a worthy suggestion, although perhaps it was considered and/or suggested before. If so, please disregard this post.

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