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RE: Steem - Is it fundamentally superior to Bitcoin?

in #steem7 years ago

Interesting perspective. I hear you. The views you express, i also shared as my initial thinking and logic about Bitcoin and Steem.

What I am somewhat newly considering and challenging myself upon...questioning really is this:

Steem and bitcoin are both money. (loose definition and kind of slang paraphrase). More correctly defined they are cryptocurrency.

  • Steem can do what bitcoin can do....but faster.

  • Bitcoin cannot do what Steem is capable of doing. (at least as far as I am aware.)

  • Steem Addresses/Accounts are more user friendly than Bitcoin.

  • Steem dapps incentivize user participation.

  • Steem is free to move funds anywhere in the world. Bitcoin has multiple groups of people competing against one another to try and monopolize high fees as part of it's economic model.

  • Steem consensus versus bitcoin consensus.
    Steem is more balanced in decentralization....could call this more decentralized.

  • Governance process of reaching consensus is much more efficient and effective on Steem Blockchain...and greater opportunity for the average user to participate in giving their vote.

  • Bitcoin has more commercial use....merchant acceptance at the moment.

  • Steem applications are the new world broadcasting networks. News and Information is money.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.12
JST 0.028
BTC 66547.84
ETH 3525.12
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.54