Why Is Steem Struggling?

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Why is Steem faltering when we have a strong community and great projects?


  1. We have no vision, no one knows what we are about.
  2. No one knows about Steem or hears about Steem
    (push ups are fine, but not going to help long term)
  3. We are spending the Inflation that was meant to help us grow in all the wrong places.


  1. Create a vision
    @llfarms has been working on collecting everyone's vision as a starting place.
    We will take that vision add some thoughts on where we want to go and what we want to lose and communicate it.
  2. Spend time energy and money promoting that vision with professionals who know how to get that done.
  3. Stakeholders start to support those who are working on Steem Projects. This not only includes Development, but also a business minded team of people to promote and market Steem.

We also have to retain and grow our powerful community to make this happen...

You are not a passenger, you are a stakeholder... however large or small...
What are you doing to help?

Changing the math on the blockchain might help with distribution, but no one cares if they aren't watching the project. We need to get EYES on Steem.



It does help to have an overarching goal for all the users involved. Maybe not all but at least for those who wants to contribute in ways they can.

I could be wrong, but from what I observed the community seriously lack developers free enough to tinker around. It's worse when Steem's main upgrades rely on a private company, regardless if it is run by a competent head or otherwise.

I guess we just have to stick it out. Bitshares is doing well for themselves even if they have a small userbase. Maybe there's something we can learn from them?

Also, if anyone is reading this comment, please follow @coingecko, they are supporting Steem by running a witness node and posting stuff on here. Feel. Free to give them a witness vote too if you think they deserve it.

Posted using Partiko Android

I don't think we are doing so bad. Projects seem to be growing and maturing. Unfortunately, there isn't enough Steem in the market to support many projects.

Posted using Partiko Android

We are okay, but some of our stakeholders aren't happy with the performance.

Unfortunately, that's the reality of having such a small ecosystem.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah we all should have a vision and some successful projects stayed on STEEM blockchain only for build their fund base! We should build a mechanism to solve that also!


Maybe we are looking at this from the inside and not the outside...

We are here and we've stayed because we understand ....but ask yourself..
How long did it take you to understand steem, SBD and steem power? People who have been here a long time still don't fully get it. How many keys do you have? owner key, active key, posting key, memo key. Even general crypto currencies are complicated for the average Joe to understand.

Its too complicated and people are lazy..

Is it easier to open a facebook account and log in every where with that account. And if you lose your password you just request a reset.
Is it easier to buy/open a steem account learn about steem ,SBD and SP. Then secure your 4 keys and understand what each one does? And if you lose your keys you lose your account and everything in it or you have a major job to get it back.
People want simple non thinking interaction.

Then comes quality posts.. All i hear is quality posts, quality posts, quality posts. You want people to come from facebook instagram and twitter. Places where 90% of posts are nonsense posts. Picture of a cat with a hat or a dog in a bow tie. You really think those people will come here to be bashed with quality posts, quality posts, quality posts.

Solution is...
make it simple.. Simple is as simple does
Make it fun.. Stop the bashing of shitty post if you want people who make shitty posts. If you want all quality posts. Then don't expect people from FB and Instergram to come. If you want all quality posts and a niche following then be my guest but you'll never have exponential growth

Signing in to everything should be simple but secure.. steemconnect and keychain is a positive move.

Lastly think about it this way..
Did FB say to its users "Come and join FB so we can abuse your data and make billions from you" Nope they said come here and have fun, play games and share things with your family and friends
We need to get people to come here by saying "Come and have fun, play games and share things with family and friends" and even get paid to do it.
Keep the blockchain and the crypto in the background and make it simple and easy... "and they WILL come"

I agree. Brand new users with very little Steem don't need to worry about security. They will learn to protect it as they have more.

Agree with your message 100%. Anyone who owns even 1 STEEM should understand that it’s a stake in the Steem blockchain.

Not in Steemit. Not in any particular app or dapp or tool. In Steem itself.

Any way that we can contribute to making Steem better as a whole is not only desirable, but necessary. I can and need to do more and so do all Steem hodlers if we want to lift the external image of Steem out of the mud.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes, we have to police it, support each other, promote it... It's our job.

You don’t gain power by diverting the blame but we are tethered to crypto which is a bit of a joke or mystery in the eyes of a normie. When the tides turn and the general concept becomes a viable tender with less stigma and they will find all of us already as part of the steem blockchain.

That being said, the work we do now will pay out huge in the future. Additionally, or maybe multiplicationally, the innovations we build now will just accelerate the value and adoption of the blockchain.

Wonderful and clear message though. What are we each doing?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Agreed and I also think many of those leaving to greener pastures will be back

I've got my steem profile linked up on my Twitch Bio. Now I just need followers on both platforms 🤣🤣🤣

I think a lot of things have improved. I think when the price goes up a lot of problems will fix themselves more.

If you are talking about the price the answer is simple...from the perspective of speculators steem is no more different than other "altcoins".

We need to generate demand and pure speculation is not going to cut it. What I think we need is aplications that apeal to mainstream users that require resource credits to run.

Those users don't even need to know that there is a blockchain under the hood.

Yes we need attention. Everyone is talking about changing some math...

No one outside of Steem even knows what our Math is... Silly kids.

There is more on why #steem is flat.
Since it is a decentralized network, free will is everywhere.
Low price favors the whale more than you think.
#steem is the perception of reality.
Vision is only viable in posts and comments
One week it is @ 50 cents and the next it is @ 30 cents.
We need what you said but we need time and we need steemians that think #steem is not a cash cow.
Other than that or better to say this is how it will be.
Glad you see farther and hopefully, many will act accordingly.
Keep on postin'

Keep on Postin' We need every Steemian Large and Small to understand where we are going and what are we doing.

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