What's an Investor? Who's a desirable Investor.

in #steem6 years ago

Investors vs. Vested Stakeholders.

Lately many have been talking about Investors.  But they are not all equal.  Ever watch Sharktank?

There are personal investors who are investing their own money in order to get money out.

Haejin is a perfect example of a personal investor who is not here to grow the project.  (assuming he owns ranchorelaxo, which I don't know for sure)

When I think of attracting investors, I picture people who put money in that they don't need right away and they put in time, knowledge, money, contacts in order to build a project up.  They do not immediately try to capture the most resources for themselves, draining the project of needed revenue.

Crypto Traders can hold tokens, and some of you call them investors and I guess technically they are, but I wouldn't call them investors in Steem.

In the conversations about who we want to attract, I think we want people who want to help build the project, the user base and the overall health of building something that will pay for years to come.  Most desirable, those who have worked on building social media projects would be nice.

While I don't think people have a moral obligation to work on building Steem's economy, there are many with money in Steem that I choke on the word Investor.

I guess, I am not really going anywhere with this, but it is pretty obvious who is here and engaging, trying to build something and also holding and there are many who are just looking to take as much out as they can and hope other people's effort will keep things afloat.

For me this is not a right or a wrong issue.  (moral vs. immoral)  it is more about desirable and undesirable.  



Definitely if we hold SP it might not an investment, we hold the stake from the project! Yeah it's better and when project gets better, it could make more profit than invest on STEEM!


Anybody who puts money or valuable time in is an investor, as you imply.

But some investors are in it for the short term, sometimes called "raiders," or sometimes "asset strippers," and are kind of sexy, like Richard Gere, in "Pretty Woman," buying into a thing to plunder the heck out of it.

Of course, Julia Roberts tames the crap out of him. Maybe good old Haejin needs his very own Julia Roberts moment. Just picture Haejin for a moment sexily dismantling Steem for profit, then in sweeps wisps of Julia Roberts' hair, or even Ned's hair, full of L'Oreal because they're worth it. And suddenly, he tears up, and starts thinking about building a better world. It could happen.

The long term investor wants an asset to last, to create something of value in the world, and once Julia Roberts has entered your life, you tend toward long term thinking.

Everybody needs their very own Julia Roberts. Of course, if a Julia Roberts isn't available, and of course, Eric Roberts is no substitute, having a baby can do the trick, as it gets you in mood to create a future for them, rather than asset stripping, which once achieved, leaves nothing but dust.

Lol! It's been so long since I saw that movie, I don't even remember what Gere did for a living in it! Obviously that bit wasn't important to my young brain.

In one little post, you've solved our problems. We need Julia. The end. :)

Been waiting for someone to write an article on this. Very important.

Been waiting for you not to be everywhere. Very important.

I am a terrible investor... I usually sell everything to soon... this is why Steemit is making me a better Investor ... I can never sell too soon and will need to HODL forever

Posted using Partiko iOS

Steemit or Steem? You gotta know the difference between the two.

Well my Steemit wallet is what locks up my Steem Power and prevents me from Powering down....

Posted using Partiko iOS

I think a fellow Steemian (@scaredycatguide if not mistaken) recently said that many came here for the money but have stayed because of the relationships. I think this is a great example of the potential STEEM has. It could be so much more in the long term. The ecosystem being created is quite impressive and with the changes coming soon (i.e. HF 20, hiveminds, SMTs, etc.); we could be in for quite a ride.

I agree with you whole heartedly. My son @ryan313 got me invloved with Steem and Steemit. The enjoyment we both get from sharing with the community is uplifting. A project that my son ryan got involved with was the opening of a park in Brooklyn. The funds needed for the renovation of the park were donated from a Steemit fundraiser. He went to the grand opening with two of his children, @owenmaxj3 and @ajbasketball3 He did a post on the grand opening and also spoke with many people who were wondering what steemit was all about.

This may be a fundamental flaw of tying leadership to witnessing. Each of the top witnesses is running a substantial business that is completely dependent on the price of Steem, so their incentives are pushed very far towards raising the price of the coin.

Any thing should be understood first. Without knowing that if we jump into the wagon thinking our neighbour has invested and is becoming rich can make a loss for us.Steem has an excellent development team and some really cool features. This is a first crypto backed system which I am having full confidence in. I will be investing in Steem whatever be the case. I am ready to wait for long years also. Thanks @watsup

Posted using Partiko Android

I think we need more buyers and less sellers. lol
We could have a million new accounts who put in a few hours each but if all they do is sell their Steem on the market the price will tank even more.

A real investor is the one who works on the basis of business policy. They are not in favor of eliminating such investor income schemes nor do they immediately try to capture more resources for themselves though I do not think That is the moral obligation to work for people on building the economy of steam. Their full attention is on their investment, which means which means to take advantage of it. Or can be. Some traders resort to crypto traders tokens, and a considerable extent remain successful in their plans.We think that they are technically capable but in fact they are devoted to their profession. On the market fluctuations Keep focusing.

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