Waiting shouldn't be the focus.

in #steem6 years ago

I've been struggling with my Steem mood and haven't been able to figure out why.  Yeah, traffic is down a bit, so is all crypto traffic, and the price isn't exciting.  Yeah, well that is a good time to post.  I know it in my head, but I've been having trouble following through.

I realized today, why I've been feeling kind of stuck.

If the future is SMTs and Communities and that changes how I interact with Steem then it is hard to figure out what I am doing in the meantime.

In life I've learned if I find myself waiting for something before I do a thing, then I get impatient and the daily tasks feel tedious.

I realized that is where my head is at in Crypto.  I am just going through the motions of today, while I wait for something else.

I've Been Waiting

Waiting for the Market to move, waiting for SMTs and Communities, just waiting.

However, if I am looking into the future I am discounting what interesting things could happen today.  I've been feeling like I have writer's block... EVERY DAY.  No longer do I have the days where my mind is writing three posts and having to pick one to actually focus on.  Instead each day is the struggle of looking at a blank screen and wishing it was full of interesting things.  I thought I was getting burnt out.

Today I realized it is because I have been waiting too hard.  It's okay to perform today, read today, make a great post today and most importantly focus on Today instead of waiting.   Yes, things may change, market conditions, the front ends the community may grow or shrink.  Spiritual people talk about enjoying the journey not just the outcome.  I have been forgetting to do that.

Also if I imagine something is wrong with how things are today, I actually create that feeling state.  

I know it sounds super corny, because I used to know a guy who said this too often:

Within Acceptance Lies the Solution.  -  As corny as it sounds it is often my solution.  Accept things as they are today, or accept the price of changing them.

So, instead of waiting I am going back to posting on SteemIt as is.  Reading the posts on my feed and engaging with those I find the most interesting.  

Maybe my mood will follow.  



You are expecting too much from SMTs and communities. You will likely be disappointed

It might take a while. :( I think eventually Steem will go to the moon though.

I thought I'd be taking some time off, because summer. I've been stressed, I've had some really bad days, made a few scenes, some people probably hate me again; whatever. Somehow I pulled off 18 posts this month, a few organic achievements over $30 which to me seems like a big deal. A few dreadfully quiet days where it feels like everything is going in reverse... yet here I am trying to make something of this place. People are laughing, having a good time. And now I'm rambling... wtf?

I know how you feel @nonameslefttouse - I'm usually exhausted because I've been working on everyone else's social media that I've been neglecting my own. I need to give myself some care too.

Now, what's this about people hating you? WUT? That's nonsense and those people aren't worth your energy.

There were a few... uh - Incidents. I have my moments and I think sometimes it can be a bit too much for some people. I mean well, but it sure doesn't look like it sometimes. I'm working on it.

Haha! I have bad days and scenes too. I am so happy when I have them with someone else who gets a little intense and doesn't hold grudges.

I'm also stressed, we are moving and have several things going on. The stress is falling out everywhere. I'm also waiting for the move to be over.

This Steem Gig might be a marathon.

Moving SUCKS. I've moved 6 times in 5 years. There's only one positive thing about it: I've gotten really good at packing and loading a truck. (I'm not even counting the moves when I was a young Army brat). You'll get through it. :)

You say interesting stuff because you are less EARNEST - and Steemit is full of people who could bore the pants off a monkey :)

It's true! I've noticed a huge difference in engagement while I am in the mood also. Hopefully I will sort it out.

You waited too soon. You should wait to wait.

So simple and so true!

Only reason you're feeling like this is because I'm not on Discord as much anymore.
Because I'm such a huge deal on the internet people tend to get affected when I withdraw my absence. Do not fear Snow White, it won't be forever, hopefully.
May I suggest you check out https://discord.gg/vKTdBT

You may find yourself right at home there.
100% Upvoted with 48 SP ( You're welcome )

I'm right there with you. I've definitely had writer's block. I haven't written any fiction in weeks and I really know I need to just sit down and start writing it.

The price might take off and it might not.... but we need to continue using this site the right way if we want it to continue being the site we want it to be.

That means blogging, writing fiction, commenting on others posts, engaging.

The Waiting has not been fun these past 6 months and I'm really ready for things to take off. However, if I want this site to work for me then I know I need to work for it.

Yeah, I realized today, I have completely ruined my own experience waiting for "The change".

Totally agree with you.

...for people just waiting.
Waiting for a train to go
or a bus to come, or a plane to go
or the mail to come, or the rain to go
or the phone to ring, or the snow to snow
or the waiting around for a Yes or No
or waiting for their hair to grow.
Everyone is just waiting.
Waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for the wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting, perhaps, for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance.
Everyone is just waiting.
That's not for you! - Dr Seuss

This is an excerpt from Oh, the places you will go. A book I read to my daughter. Everyone should have a copy and read it from time to time.

I love that book @tarazkp. The title alone gives me goosebumps! 😍

Along with 'I'll Love you Forever' and 'There's a monster at the end of this book'. Brilliant!

There is so much truth between those covers yet, how many actually read it?

I don't know @tarazkp but I love them and my kids loved them and now my grandchildren love them and that makes me happy. 😁

you are not the only one who feel like that its been over five months and i am pushing myself forcefully to continue its not always about the money but until there is no activity there is nothing


Same here. I felt stuck unable to blog for 9 days now. I just keep reading other Steemians posts to keep me engaged in here for now.

Glad I am not alone being stuck and you are not alone either.

It's time we unstick ourselves. We can do it together.

Team work is good.

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