SteemIt - Attracting New Users to Crypto

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

The future of crypto-currency is here

Many people have been wondering when the masses would adopt Bitcoin or another crypto-currency, however the technology has proven to be daunting, and far from easy to understand, use, and can be impractical. Bitcoin and other currencies have remained on "fringe" for over 10-years. But now, Blockchain technology has finally caught up to regular people. 

Enter the Scene, the young crypto-currency STEEM, fueled by the sleek, speedy (3-second block times) blockchain, and it’s blogging platform SteemIt

SteemIt is bringing mainstream to crypto instead of the other way around..  When average people think of Bitcoin they see images of criminals or techies. Even when there is initial interest we have all watched a friends face glaze over when we start to talk about Bitcoin, blockchains, and mining.

However a young version of digital cash has removed traditional mining and replaced it with blogging as a payable contribution.  Thus creating a user-base of non-traditional crypto-lovers.  These are non-geeky, even children and grandparents moving this coin from Steem’s easy-to-use wallet to trading exchanges, debit cards, and banks.  Even those with minimal computing and technology skills can earn, manage, trade and sell this digital token with ease.

The concept allowing authors to blog and the community to give consensus based review of the value of work, has created a growing and excited group of the most unexpected crypto-users the market space has seen.

They thought it was an experiment in blockchain and social media.  What they ended up with may be the best unintended consequence to  hit “Alt Coins”.  A fast, sleek easy-to-use way to teach people to earn and use crypto while enjoying an educational and sometimes feisty social media community. Regular people from all around the world have gathered with the talented engineers and developers to form the best-in-class crypto-coin on the scene.  They have proof of concept and a fast growing community to prove it.

Artists, authors, investors, musicians and other invested and interested people have joined together on the Blogging Platform (SteemIt) to post information, jokes, community projects, and nearly anything you could find on any social media platform.  The concept is the best work is rewarded by community votes.  Although the system isn’t perfect or without occasional conflict the community is working together to define what will bring the most value to the platform in the future.  

This allows many on the platform to earn modest amounts of the token STEEM to trade, invest or sell.    In addition to the blogging platform already in use, many other concepts for utilizing and adding value to the blockchain are in the works.

*Anyone can join to earn modest rewards, Investors have the opportunity to shape the community and gain higher leverage in voting and other activities

Don't take my word for it, visit the community by checking out, and quickly setup a free account.   

*second draft


If creating posts can be to a bit more easier, this can be easily adapted by many, and I mean many. Currently, submitting content in steemit is a bit tricky, a content contributor have to learn few tricks in order to submit theit posts. I know the admin is something for this and when its live, we can expect influx of users in steemit.

Looking good!

Are you going to develop this into a marketing piece? Or several?

My thought is to gather feedback on the story, (oh and to send some thoughts out on the blockchain about what we really do have going for us.) If anyone wants to use it, it could still use some refining.
I guess, I am trying to sell the community a story...

This is very good description of whole steemit platform. Easy to understand. Upvoted and resteemed. If somebody ask me to explain about steemit I would recommend this post for sure.

Sweet thanks for the feedback.

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