SBDs, Money and Losing your mind over $10

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

We have been talking about SBDs for a couple of weeks now..

For those of you who can't keep your head on straight over $10 SBD...  You could be in for a rough ride ahead and you haven't been paying attention.

 If you are mad other people are getting this bonus.  

  • It is distributed in the same percentages as the reward pool, except where people voluntarily send it  to someone else to purchase something... Like a vote.  That's called business folks.
  •  If you saw it go up and immediately started voting for yourself and changing your game plan and trying to collect them all.

You are thinking small.

I wonder if the people who worked on ETH felt their price rise came a little fast since it was $30ish a year ago.  Imagine how poorly equipped you are to handle what the future might hold if you are upset or overly excited over $10 SBDs

We do not control the prices, many investors traders and others do not review the white paper or understand our currencies.  They see the logo, they see the name, they see a chart, they buy and sell.  When new money comes into the market it goes to many interesting places.

It will likely go down, and back up... etc.  

For some of you the idea that you have intentions to crash our own price without a real plan to fix the problem is actually the worst course of action I have ever heard of.

Get used to it, this is an emerging market there is a lot of money in the space and not a lot of working projects.  If you are upset/excited this was a practice run.

Do you wonder if back in the tech bubble the leaders of Google and Yahoo, were running around acting like poor kids at the scene of a armored truck crash when their IPO went to the Moon?

I don't think you have seen anything yet.  Better practice.

Can you imagine how it will rock the community if we see some of growth that other crypto projects have seen?

Stop acting like Looters after a hurricane.



I am having alot of fun here :) love this place and I am pretty sure there needs to come what needs to come for SBD and steem prices and we'll be happy enough!

Well said! I can't pretend that one of my big motivations for joining wasn't the possibility of financial gains, but I've said time and time again that what has absolutely captivated me is the community that Steemit has nurtured.

It's now the only social media platform I use, there's no trying to show off to friends you haven't seen in years, or bemoaning a terrible day and how crappy life is. It's a place where people seem to have a shared attitude towards life, on the whole choosing to be a part of something special. I've recommended Steemit to so many friends, most of whom have been spurred to join by seeing the dollar signs, yet the ones that have stuck around and even had success are the ones who have bought into the community and ethos and worried far less about the dollars.

Lets not forget that SBD/STEEM at 1USD is still pretty cool! Quit the moaning and let's bring everyone - and the platform - up together!

I feel like the platform as a whole (with the exception of stupid people and their stooopid scams) invites a much higher intellect and demands a higher level of decorum. It's a place where REAL ideas can be shared, creativity is required, and actual conversations can take place. It's a challenge. A good one. And I like it. And the growth is invigorating.

Hi @whatsup! Hope you have a lovely and happy new year! Steemit has been good to me this December, but what you said above is very true...adapt or die. That is my motto.

lol, another person who tells it like it is! December has been good to many of us. Interesting how some can't seem to handle the good times.

Happy New Year!

Ha ha. I am the most straight forward person I know. I scare myself sometimes!

You explain it very well except one thing that our steemit organisers realising more and more sbd's to maintain 1$ mark

Oh boy, do I agree! I am not rich, nor am I poor..I am simply uneducated in the realm of cryptos. I do study and learn, rinse and repeat and remain steadfast in my belief that the knowledge will come when I am ready to receive it. That's the way the universe works. I trust in Steemers like you, who have been here awhile and have a level head about things. Not so much the ones who cry wolf and shout about falling skies lol.

I wish you and your family a happy, healthy and profitable New Year!

No kidding! Good grief. Settle down children. I'm selling off a little, but powering up most of it still. I dunno. I still have faith. I consider it play money for now. I try not to get too attached to it. Things are still so volatile.

Very on topic.

What I am wondering is this: if sbd is supposed to be a pegged crypto currency equivalent to a dollar, and steem is advertised as the more convertible and exchangeable token, then why is sdb the token that is getting pumped so much? And how is this? And why exactly are there two different tokens anyway?

Also it’s been brought up before on other posts that the true value of sbd is about 5-10 times higher than steemit calculates. And there is some resistance to making it more accurate...

I guess it is unreasonable to expect and entire base of traders and investors to be able to take 2 currencies with nearly the exact same name and the exact same logo and know the difference. lol. I am thinking they are being confused and being traded. I own some things that I don't really know what they are.

One is supposed to be pegged to a dollar but at this point there is no way to keep it down besides selling.
I think the resistance is how to keep it down

Haha and do people WANT to keep it down? I’m all for the value going up, but not if it becomes a mad scramble. Come on folks, we are experimenting with abundance here! No need to gorge ourselves at every meal like we won’t have another one.

Mind blowing Blog post dear @whatsup. I'm 200% agreed with your positive thoughts, you rightly said:
We do not control the prices, many investors traders and others do not review the white paper of understand our currencies. They see the logo, they see the name, they see a chart, they buy and sell. When new money comes into the market it goes to many interesting places.
Also quoting a very good example of ETH is the nice way to understand. Actually people really think small. They use shortcuts. And I bet such type of folks weep in a very short spam of time.
I do agree with your overall stance and really appreciate it. Keep spreading positivity and Stay Blessed!

BY the way you nailed it by writing this statement:

Can you imagine how it will rock the community if we see some of growth that other crypto projects have seen?
Stop acting like Looters after a hurricane.

@whatsup I Love STEEMIT and the recent price of SBD has been a Joy to see. I think it could go to very high prices that most people will not believe and in a TRUE FREE market Supply and Demand is in Charge...............

I think the same thing Is happening with Ripple at the moment, people see it rises and they just buy it, "hey its cheap just 2 bucks maybe it will be worth more than a bitcoin someday"----no it won't.

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STEEM 0.20
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JST 0.029
BTC 63483.25
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.81