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RE: No Ponzi, No Hype...Something Big (and Fun) is Coming!
Oh, an announcement about a future announcement. ;) Those are so rare here. Normally I wouldn't take it seriously at all. However, we disagree often, but I usually find you interesting. Like dissecting frogs in science class. :)
In an odd twist of fate, following isn't an option right now for some reason.
Keep us posted. My first questions would be where will it be based (which blockchain) Mostly though, what will it trade against. Not interested in ER 20, which doesn't mean that many aren't.
The blogs will be primarily on Steem. We also plan to have some integration with the chain for payments/transactions and player stats/information storage.
What will what trade against? The slot machine? We probably won't trade that, as it is pretty important for the gaming on the site. It's probably our coolest feature! :)
I'm not interested in creating any tokens that may be deemed "securities" or "illegal" by the incompetent governments of the world. I'll let others dabble in that space and put themselves and their supporters/buyers at risk. I'm just here to have fun, create business/commerce on the chain (which most people claim they want for it), and most importantly - stay out of prison.
And another thing...
I'm not sure what you're showing me in that image.
Sounds interesting I am curious.
I'm showing you that on there currently isn't a follow button. It's coming and going.
Randomly appearing buttons is the newest feature!