If you are focused on what is wrong on SteemIt...

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

If you are focused on what is wrong on SteemIt, then you focusing on the negative.

Have you ever stopped to consider that angry post that made it to trending and got you riled up was written by somebody who is still here and making money.  Maybe they just want to create a little conflict and gain from the attention.  (Which is a good strategy)

Minnows come into SteemSpeak all of the time repeating things they've "read".  

"Minnows can't earn here"

Untrue, I see minnows earning every day.

"People are leaving"

The site over all is growing as are the other front-ends.  The blockchain is growing.  Social Media and other free sites often have sky high churn rates.

People who use bidbots lose money...

Some of them do, some of them do not.  It is a risk and there is no reason people shouldn't use them if they are creating interesting content and are willing to take the risk.

We do not have any Quality Content.

Not true and even if it were true, we are not a writing class or guild.  Social media is about casual communication and connections.  We need better front-ends to help people connect, and many of them are in the works.  I don't care if you think you are Shakespeare, and very few investors do either.

There have been many attempts to reward content creators before and it always seems to be a difficult thing to do.  We are experimenting.

Here is what I want to leave you with.

  • Steem's economy is fueled by real people many of whom hadn't been in Crypto before.  Steem is the gateway Crypto.
  • Our coins transfer easily and cheaply and we are getting listed on new exchanges.
  • We have more transactions than any other blockchain and haven't slowed down.
  • There are new front-ends coming and many projects in the works.
  • With various front-ends there is an ability to customize different experiences.
  • There is a demand for privacy based, uncensored communities for all types of content.
  • We are changing lives across the Globe each day.
  • There are very few crypto project that are actually working, our may not be perfect, but it is functioning and has forward progress.

No, you will not get rich easily or quickly, you will have to fight for every Steem you earn!

If you have better options you should head there to earn.

Be careful what and who you believe.  Some people can't see the forest for the trees.

It's an experiment, it is messy, it isn't broken.  It isn't for everyone.




We have discussed my views before on problems and solutions and entitlement and the power of networking.

I dabble in many cryptocurrencies and STEEM is the ONLY one I have been able to earn by investing my time. Sure it may not be paying the bills but I am adding to my core crypto portfolio by curating, authoring and networking just like everyone else here.

Amassed a little steem, made many new connections, and managed to get in at the ass end of the early adopters in an opportunity that could blow up.

No complaints here. Stay positive and be the change you want to happen like @whatsup

Exactly.Stay active and do your best to be valuable part of the community.Pointing out bad parts of Steemit isn't a bad thing but just talking all the god damn time and "crying" about them wont make any change.All you can achive is getting people bored and even annoyed😂

I try not to focus just on the negatives if I post about something wrong with Steemit, but to create discussion - discussion is great and is the first step to change!

There is so much great content on here! I go back to the dark side (Facebook) every now and again and I get a headache. It seems as though the smarter ones leave Facebook and come here for better content and conversation!

You are so right about Steem being the gateway crypto - couldnt be more true for me! I was interested in cryto before Steem but never had the money to risk.. oh the life of a poor student. Im sure I wont make a fortune on here but I will learn alot and meet amazing people, have fun and earn a bit extra on the side. That sounds pretty amazing to me!

It does sound amazing.

I like this post for the simple fact everything is broken.
We are broken that is why we grow old and die.
Enough said.
Keep on steemin'

Of course that Steemit has many good things, otherwise we wouldn't be here. There is many bad things also but we are improving and Steemit is going at right direction.

Yeah you got right points to talk! Steem is changing lives! No matter we earn less or none, I am thinking we are just doing a precious investment for the future!


You know, I had that same reflection yesterday. Most of that negativity is draining energies and wasting time. I think we should give more attention to quality posters and try to encourage new comers with curation. In time, the negativity will fade and hopefully we'll have a better enjoyable platform.

Agreed. I need to find new topics also. I focus on Steem Drama too often.

The best way that I can explain the analogy right now is steemit is like when the world was first created and power wanted power and dominance, there were battles and wars to be had over rights of countries and territories, I see no difference with what is happening right now here, and all in all its still brand new, like you say @drakos it will take time but hopefully the negativity will fade.

I think it's good to try and make things better but I'm not convinced things like bots are that big of a problem.

I agree that focusing too much on the negative is hurtful, I just wrote a post essentially saying the same thing. It’s important to point out issues though! But it should merely be a mean self of identifying what we want to improve. It’s hard to maintain that level of positivity all the time so I get it, but we gotta pick ourselves up and get back to what we can do to make things the way we believe they should be

i focus on whats wrong with steemit by building a better ui to help the negative. Its always nice to take the negative and give positive.


Good Point! If you are adding solutions... :) And yes, I know you are.

lol give good lol

There are very few crypto projects that are actually working

Fantastic point!

Steemit is working.
It's working for many people, including me. It's saved my skin on many occasions.

Steemit is the gateway crypto!

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