in #steem8 years ago (edited)

I'm realizing you can post and keep posting to pay yourself steem dollars. How many bots are doing this now. Can we downvote fast enough to stop it maybe. Also if I save up enough steem I can upvote my own content and make a decent profit off of my own investment. I'm investing long term but feels like I'm gaming the system. Plus I love the 10% interest you earn on the steem dollar value in the wallet.


This is not true. If you vote on your own content, you are diluting your voting power. If you vote for every post you make you will start to lose your influence on your own articles and in turn take away the money you can gain from an article. But if you do create original unique content and just push it out in groves and make $.5 or $1 you can make a lot more a lot quicker.

so what if I dilute my voting power I still pay my self. I figured original content would make much more because others will upvote the post.

Diluting voting power means diluting curation rewards.

Yes. And you also gain interest for your steem power and constantly make money off of it. Either way you will be building interest, chances are that will accrued more than a spamming bot.

It seems like its a faster way to earn steem without buying w BTC. Earn steem dollars and purchase more steem with it. Curation rewards are low if you are a minnow. I'll find out how much this experiment earns me tomorrow some time. Def looking forward to it.

Please keep me posted. I'd love to learn something new! Cheers!

There are people running anti-spam bots. They'd catch you in a heartbeat and you'd be downvoted into oblivion.

bots will be caught but even a reply can make money at this point. I've been replying to everything and upvoting. I'm saying its going to be hard to catch a person who is faking it trying to make steem dollars.

You're not faking it. You're an actual person sitting there, wasting their voting power on 5-cent posts. :) Why do you think your activity is somehow illegitimate?

But by all means - keep upvoting my comments. I'm cool with that.

Voting power resets every 10 min or is it every hour I'm not sure. If your intentions are to game the system and that's what I mean. Fake intentions and not trying to actually contribute in a meaningful way.

Keep it up! This is fun! I'm quitting now, but you should actually try this and see how it goes. Figure out what posting frequency maximizes your reward - if you post and upvote too often, your voting power doesn't regenerate fast enough; if you don't post enough, you're leaving money on the table.

And finally, if you do it too much, you'll get caught and someone will sic their downvote bot on you. :)

But I can go around and just reply to posts I like and upvote them to make steem dollars. You can't stop that. So the goal is actually to buy much more steem power and upvote my replies or posts and hope no one notices. I do use instagram and twitter so will post stuff of this platform anyway. To make sure if I upvote my replies that is a way to earn steem dollars right? What sucks if you don't like someone you can just sic the downvote bot on them anyway.

I've had bots reply to my posts, probably trying to do the same thing, and then a downvote bot came along and flagged them. So that's what would happen - your vote would still exist, but your comment would be downvoted.

That's actually a pretty interesting question though - how much steem power would you need to make it so that nobody could stop you?

Can you send a link to both bots. I see what you mean. If you are a whale no one can really stop you.

The hope is that if you are a whale, you also don't want to wreck the system by trying to game it. Hang on, let me see if I can find the bot posts...

Here is the comment that got downvoted by the bot @soupper1.

just saw who the bot was sending the steem to. It was a really big whale and I got nervous. So it shows that If you piss off the wrong person they can hurt you by taking money away from you. I was nervous because this persons bot can just down vote me all day long and I don't have the technical chops to fight it off. Thank you for looking up the bot @biophil. We should try to make a list of all the bots. A way to keep everybody honest

This is really exciting stuff to witness as it all evolves. Scary too. Real money involved and not small sums.. :O

I know. I was thinking about that earlier. I wonder if there's a mechanism in the algorithm that decreases your SP for doing that? Or something...

But its not cheating if the system is set up this way. Detecting a bot is one thing but whats stopping someone just posting something every 5 min and paying themselves. How would one detect a bot on this platform or how would you deploy one.

Yes every time you vote you lose a little bit of steem power that gradually goes back to 100% https://steemit.com/steemit/@bendjmiller222/voting-frequently-affects-your-voting-power-and-the-amount-of-money-you-can-make

I think I'm about to hit the one dollar mark. I'll see it tomorrow. I did upvote every one of my replies and watched my power go down. If anyone has any ideas on how to start a bot list I think that its worth the effort. Or if someone already has one I would love to see it.

Now I'm noticing my votes are losing value. Why would they go down. Not seeing anybody really downvote all the replies.

I think we can downvote fast enough, just watch us. Also watchout for angry whales ;)

So a whale can erase all your gains. haha that can't be good long term. I can see someone waiting till the payout time and erasing all of your gains it they don't like what you posted. That's a lot of power if this platform becomes as big as reddit.

A whale is highly invested in the platform and is therefore motivated to make the best decision for the good of the platform as a whole. I see you downvoted my trending post to get back at me. That behavior won't get you very far here.

Did the same and took the downvotes off. How did you look me up on the richlist. Can you search it?

I didn't use richlist. Just click on the person's username and click on "wallet."

why wouldn't it. Is steemit a special place. you didn't like my post for some reason and I didn't like the posts you have. I'm learning how this works and you downvoted it. I'm just saying what some people are probably thinking. steemit works great from what I'm seeing but watching everyone just pretend everything is going to work great is stupid. A whale does not always have the best intentions for anything they sometimes only worry about themselves.

I downvoted it to prove to you that you can't game the system that way. Since I've made my point, I'll remove my downvote now. Also a whale is worrying about themselves, just so happens they have a lot of $$ invested in the success of Steemit, so they're going to do what's best for Steemit.

And based on your wallet, it looks like you have a non trivial amount of Steem Power. So it's probably in your best interest to stop trying to game the system, downvoting people as revenge, and start creating/curating good content....it's in your best interest :)

I got lucky. I used this platform for one min and I knew it was going to be a hit and wish I invested more. But its important to not go all in at once in case something has bugs. I tried to look you up on the richlist how did you look me up so fast.

Everyone's wallet is visible. Now that I removed my downvote, I think it's fair for you to remove your downvotes of my posts.

Think I ran into an angry whale already. Finally can see what you have. I did take down my downvotes. To be fair I was very transparent in what I was doing and that this was an experiment. Whales and dolphins will game this system if they can get away with it to get ahead. people can be greedy. Hope you are right that it will not work out that way but I think in the early days it will be possible to take advantage. That's why the game theory aspect of this platform is great.

How can you tell if you get downvoted? Where does it say??

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