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RE: Walking Advertisement | Accounts We Should Be Supporting On STEEM

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

Wow, so glad I came across your post @llfarms as I'm really don't know what should I think about it. I mostly just see and read then think along. I also just had this conversation with Steem friend just a few days ago at the in person meetup here in BKK. He said, he lost faith in Steem a little bit and told me a story how he bought a youtube dude that has 2xxxxx subscribers on there here but he didn't get any attention so he left.

There's what I kinda told him..

(Don't hate me for saying this.. LOLOL I really don't know what's right what's wrong !
you tell me..)

The way I think about this stuff is not just they're huge from outside. If people come and really just wanna drop their stuff, fish for upvote, make some extra bucks and not communicate or not even feel the love of the platform.. I'm not really sure what's the point no more as I feel like the charm here's where we do connect with people.

I'm not talking about those you brought up.. I knew @Yidneth before and her work is just awesome. Others, I will have to check them out still.

Why I am commenting on Dave's comment?.. I do know @thelifeofjord from here on Steem / dtube. First time I saw his post I was like, damn, then hit follow just right away. Also went to check out his youtube site and also his website. Yeah, he's like a professional nomad. I left the comments for a few times and never gotten reply. After a few months or something, tbh, I did unfollow. He's not communicating. Some of the video still have the subscribe template where it's suppose to be on youtube vid.. didn't be bothered to at least trim a bit off. (I just gave you some example why do I think this way).

Not that I don't cross post. I do! I try to expand my personal brand but Steem is home. I do communicate and at least, I'm sincere with the blockchain.

If you don't know so, @markwiens a youtubers with 2.7m subscribers was also here but left after a few posts.

Again, I don't know what's right and what's wrong and what's better for the Steem Blockchain. As you seem like you know much more and yes, you also seem so smart, I would love to learn more about this topic FOR SURE.

Thanks in adv! :) <3

ADD : Ooopsy! forgot this! I just watched the vid from my fellow dtuber, @kevinli .. one sentence was 'what would you do if you have to start it all over again' >>


I totally agree!! I find those users who just dump their content here without engaging or contributing are not really worth my time. In fact their is an account who has a following of 500k at youtube that I left off the list because he has never responded to a single comment. To me these above are engaged and truly trying to be apart of the Steem ecosystem.. and that’s why I felt they were worth mentioning.

Thank you for the kind words 🤗 .. I just really feel that Steems turning point will be when content creators and investors join forces.. now I just have to figure how to get that to happen 😉

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