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RE: No changes to witness voting, and why!

in #steem5 years ago

I don't mind your insanity. I mind your lack of manners. Do try to express yourself civilly, if you want substantive discussion. You are not grasping the basic centralization of influence on witnesses this mechanism produces, and that renders you incapable of cogent comment. Replacing coherence reason with incoherent rage doesn't impugn the facts or me - unless I encourage it.

I won't any longer. Please do not resort to vulgar and insulting comments regarding me or I will necessarily cease providing you a target for your infantile screeching in order to conserve some semblance of civility on my blog.


What insanity? The same insanity that repeatedly exposed your previous nonsense regarding hf21? Is that the insanity? Like when you repeatedly attempted to argue that curation rewards renders curation impossible because it's rewarded, the same insanity that also repeatedly tried to argue that people would be happy to reward others and others alone and they would invest and power up to do so, because curation rewards are unethical? You're here calling me insane and spewing nonsense regarding me, as if you can fool anyone. You can make comments regarding my abilities and mental state because I know you haven't anything to explain how you figure that some people have 30 times more influence per steem than others, an aberration so grave that it's long departed misinformation or disinformation and has arrived squarely at A Bold Face


Hey, how is that going btw, looking like a complete moron as you remark that the top stakeholders have no investment sense while you regard curation rewards as "rent seeking", I remember that I commented with a critical eye on your "opinions" and you got "attacked", meanwhile anything I said was labeled as an ad hominem even when there was absolutely nothing to be confused as an attack, yet, I've had far more supportive comments regarding my critique than you have and I've yet to hear anything from you regarding the nonsense that I attacked you. Civility? I think not. You removed all semblance of civility when you started opening your mouth regarding the top stakeholders not having any investment sense, and all logic and reason evaded anything you had to say regarding that when you considered the imperative value proposition for holding more influence, or curation rewards, as a siphon of value, not a producer, and now, you're rambling about some of the most idiotic nonthought nonsense I've heard, that 'some' steem is worth 30x other, and you try to call me insane lol, do you even realize how much scrutiny an open source protocol receives and least how any and all claims of massive advantages afforded only to some within such a system are propelled to be earth shattering damning if they are even partially true, especially if the system in question is monetary in nature? The dumb explodes with you, how has this massive disadvantage/advantage been kept in the dark in a completely open source and transparent place and how is it that you still haven't explained or provided anything that substantiated your claims of such massive (30x) advantage, all the while you have energy, patience and time to fucking lecture me on civility, sanity, reason, and whatever other comically genial remark you feel like making.

Fuck your blog. Fuck your bullshit lies, fuck your repeated cries of being victimized by language, and above all, fuck your idiotic opinion regarding the top stakeholders, finally, if you are so victimized and steem is so unethical and rigged,

Fuck Off and Fork It or ENDURE as the idiot you have made yourself into.

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