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RE: The Modern Woman is a Slave of Her Smartphone, Her Job and Her Tinder App

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

"What was her name I wonder?"

This ain't how you initiate a conversation, stranger. According to your question, you talk about respecting people but you fail exactly at that.

Here is how people earn my respect: Earn it (You failed hardcore at that.) And besides that, I don't give a shit about the world. The only people I care about are myself, some people of my family & my gang, my customers, my supporters and nobody else.

If you want to discuss something you better not insult the other person you want to discuss with.


Oh no the misogynist doesnt like me! Imagine my disappointment 😂 I'm not interested in earning your 'respect'. Did you think you were the only one who got to act like that? Bless your simple heart.

'I don't give a shit about the world' - what are you - 12? Too much funny here but you just keep putting all your inadequacies on to other people champ and who knows, one day maybe you'll believe its actually true! That's right its all because of those pesky women.

Give my regards to your 'gang' LMFAO

cool story bro.

I was hoping for better - disappointed but not surprised. You have a great day buttercup

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