Politically Incorrect Steemians - Monthly Reward System

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Crew Reward System Header.jpg

The Politically Incorrect Steemians are a group of ambitious Steemians who don't like censorship.

This community is for people who like free speech as free speech is very important for humans to express themselves. Censorship is toxic to the human soul.

It does not matter if you are an Anarchist, Nazi, Globalist, Feminist, Sexist, Racist, Xenophobe or whatever else there is out there.

You will not be kicked for expressing yourself on our Discord server. You will not even be warned. But you will have to live with the fact that people will disagree with your message.

if that sounds like something you want to be a part of then join this link: https://discord.gg/KsWuDMN

On the server, you ask one of the Blood Shamans @tbaumer2, @Hopehuggs or you ask the Pack Leader, that is up to you.


Monthly Reward System

This is a message to all members of the team. I will now create a monthly challenge for the members.

You will have to do something for the group and as a reward, you will get 100% upvotes from all members.

That post or action has to be of highest quality and must have at least 500 words.

This months challenge (new challenge starting on the first of every month) is to write a post about the team. When you have written that post you will have to send the link to one of the admins who will then share that post in the "wanted" channel.

Every member of the team will have to upvote that post with 100%. We have a member list and we will make sure that every member upvotes that post.

There will be no punishments for not doing the challenge. However, you will have to upvote each post with 100%.


In a Nutshell

-1 Challenge starting at the first of each month
-Rewarded with 100% upvotes from ALL members
-No punishments for not participating
-Send the post to a Blood Shaman or the Pack Leader

You can join our Discord server by clicking on this link: https://discord.gg/KsWuDMN
Get More Upvotes & Followers: Steemfollower

My Previous Post: Road to 100000 Steem Power Day 46

My Website: Youtube Channel




We will have to become the raging fire that puts a shadow over every other fire so that people can see us from the distance.

Will definetly do this!

This is aight bro. Lets go spread the message and get new "politically incorrect" converts. Cheers.



The more we are the stronger we become.

I like the idea, it will help a lot to let us know more users and of course many more will become loyal with this monthly project.

Each user who participates will be rewarded with the vote to 100 of the other members?


And if you don't vote the others you will receive a warning

2 warnings = ban

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