Most Steemians Don't Want 2 Say the Truth & They Prefer to Suck Dicks

in #steem6 years ago


V9 Separator (No Logo).png

I had enough of this 2 faced Steem abuse bullshit, @BernieSanders is right, everyone with a clear head should see that this platform is full of shit. As always I tell you guys the truth even if that means that I am gonna lose cash.

I am gonna quote Bernie here (Click here to read his post):

A) Ned rejects invites out of fear those who understand crypto will see right though his nonsense.

B) Conferences don’t bother with Steem because there has been no significant development since release and its viewed as a joke.

C) It’s easier to sell Steem to those who don’t and never will understand its significant flaws and lack of leadership/development.

D) Who gives a shit? Steemit, inc. is killing Steem with their inexperience and poor choices.

E) All of the above.

Everywhere you have lying motherfuckers that are nice to get upvotes, especially women that are permanently nice here with their equality bullshit 2 score some upvotes from the big wallets.

I wouldn't wonder if these "women" just pretend to be women and are in fact guys or trans people.

This shit here is worse than German politics. I cannot be the only one who is tired of this crap.

Especially the witness game, there are many witnesses that do not create content and simply focus on "networking" which is essentially sucking each others dong to make a profit together.

They get that profit by sharing upvotes, witness votes or they buy their votes. Go and fucking downvote me you soy faced skinny cocksuckers I whip the fucking floor with your baby faces. I have nothing to lose, do you think I care about my fucking $5 total payouts per posts or my reputation which I can get back with using your retarded bit bots a couple of times?

Unlike most people here I am honest and transparent with my audience and friends. And the truth is I am rather dirt poor than to suck dicks for cash.

"Decentralized & Censorship free" my motherfucking ass. People are afraid to lose money that's why they don't say the truth because their soul has a price (you are cowards).

Steem is not for content creators (even tho its easier to make money here than on your own blog), it is for investors.

Steem was invented for investors to cumshot money into each other's faces without looking like abusers or gay soy eating faggots.

They have never created value in the first place, they have created money through scamming their way or sucked their way to the top.

Steem is a system that you can only abuse and most platform creators do exactly that. Confront them with the truth or criticize them and you get kicked, no need to insult them, they will be offended anyway (these little pussies).

What will the consequences of this post be? I may get downvotes & lose witness votes but I don't give a fuck about Steem anymore. This shit is the reason why our society degenerates more & more into pathetic weakness because manipulation and sucking each others dicks & sleeping your way to the top have become a virtue.

Just look at Germany, a glorious nation which has become a piece of weak shit, nobody is proud to be a German anymore and that is understandable.

Strength, Truth, Loyalty was replaced with: Its okay to be weak, to be a whore and to replace everyone in your life because of money.

I do not piss on my readers, friends or brothers and lie to them and replace them if more money is around the corner. The funny thing is that the followers of the abusers sheepishly protect them for potential money even tho they get abused.

I will as a consequence of this stop my SteemSchool episodes and conclude my knowledge in a cheap af ebook for 2-3 SBD and not more so that everyone can afford it and profit a bit while this Crapchain is alive.

I will also remove many of my witness votes and my only vote will go to @Krnel because he creates value & doesn't suck dicks.

I will probably stop being a witness as I do not want 2 support the globalist motherfuckers at the top that further accelerate the degeneration of our society.

Shoutout to my followers, friends & brothers. I will never deceive you guys & create as much value for you as I possibly can.

I will continue to post here, but not about how to improve on Steemit or any other Steem trash platform.

If you want to talk with me about this or simply want to hang out with honest people then join the SteemSchool Discord server.

I will also continue to host the Minnow Support Saturday contest as that honestly improves Steem & focus on learning crypto trading & also work on my websites.

V9 Separator (No Logo).png

SteemSchool Website: Website

SteemSchool Discord Community: Discord

V9 Separator (No Logo).png



Valor, always fearless, all the time.

I see the shit that is going on at the distant top level of this platform. So high up that I need a telescope to see the bottom of the thunderclouds where this Ragnarok doomsday shit is happening.

Somewhere along the bottom part of this spectrum is a couple villages at the bottom of this very steep mountain. (This represents the steep curve in the power distribution of Steemit)

While the higher powers have it in them to abuse the system completely there is still some worth to how the platform can be used for the rest of us.

For instance the Writer's Block and Isle of Write... those are people in the writing game, either professionally or amateur. We can do (and most of us already do) this shit on Facebook and Whatsapp groups. But the Steemit platform allows us to convert some of our energy in networking into some extra cash.

Not networking with those at the top of the mountian. Instead the millions at the bottom. All those minnows that is disregarded. In reality in the real world there are so many people that we are growing friendships with that we can all effectively move to another platform and continue to grow.

Like most things, do not put all your eggs in one basket. keep your options fluid. Do not just learn more about Steemit (as per your usual instructions) but about the world of online content in general.

I think you climbed that mountain to high and what is up there is disheartening and maddening. Yet majority of your success comes from us regular yokels here in the foothills. The actual community.

So while it is still there, let's keep building on that network of people at that human level. Where we do not pretend that the sunshine comes from our assess. Where we actually listen to each other.

Keep on posting good shit Philip. Cash out the SBD and buy beer. What's to hate?

As for the witness thing... yeah man. Leave that and re-purpose that rig to mining perhaps? Something low-key that will give a definite output.

The usual long ass nigga reply to a post hahaha!

well said

100% brother.
I made a screenshot of your comment.

I am going to jerk off to your honesty, i had to laugh tho, because your straight-forwardness and being direct and honest is so typically german.
But always be aware of who you are pissed off/who you blame. In a system (like nature is a system too) humans are "designed"(wrong word tho) to find the systems mechanisms that benefit themselves (and these can also be weaknesses of a system that might destroy the whole system), but it is not the humans fault who struggles to make a living, or to make a even better living, it is the systems fault. Now the creator of a system (or the system itself) can improve, recognize it's weaknesses and work against/fix it. But this is only if the system fully flexible and regulateable (or regulating itself). With blockchain technology this isn't given. There are things that can never be changed also the systems distribution of power can rarely be changed, so with that mistakes and failures are inherited and unchangeable which will break the systems neck. It's like dying (like the system: human does too). There are two ways to save it (or one and one fake ways)in my opinion. The first is huge substitution with keeping a part (like if you could transfer a humans charakter, knowledge etc or even braininto an artificial body/chip/cloud which is backuped can be replaced anytime with other versions, the other is a Ponzi scheme (Schneeballsystem) which might work in the beginning but is doomed to fail and can't be undone. And the second way is the way Steem and Steemit is going at the moment in my opinion.

Edit: If this reads badly, i am sorry it's far to early for me today #onlyahuman

Its a very great and insightful comment.
And no my directness and honesty is not typically German.
I am one of a dying breed.

German, White, Male & proud alpha with a god complex is a rarity here in Germany. I am not afraid to piss anyone here off, Steem is full of little nerds, if they should be afraid of anyone here that person is me.

99.9% of Germans are low testosterone faggots and all German women hide a cock inside their vagina. Just look at the leaders of the German country which tells you everything about Germans. Germans have Stockholm Syndrome.

Yes they are, but is it a bad thing? From your words and the connotation of your words i can conclude your subjective feelings and opinion on that. But from a more objective perspective (levels above) is it a bad thing? Or is it just cold evolution?

And back to the other topic, you can still benefit from this system steemit, and it will even grow more, but with keeping in mind, that it's dying (no one knows how fast and the impact of the updates on the ponzi), have you looked for alternatives? Or are you "All in" ?

Yes, it is a bad thing, it is human evolution just backwards.

And yes, I am working on alternatives and I got a good stack of cash for really bad times.

Captain Phil! HAHAHAH! This is the "Zen BITCH-OUT" rant of the week! Totally made my morning! Can we get ONE of these per week? That would TOTALLY give the platform a nice weekly boost...


“Greed has poisoned men's souls, has barricaded the world with hate, has goose-stepped us into misery and bloodshed. We have developed speed, but we have shut ourselves in. Machinery that gives abundance has left us in want. Our knowledge has made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little.”
Charlie Chaplin. RiP. You have been heard.

Anyways, big props for honesty!

Ps: Someone did say that there was already announced of major improvements in communities and constantly saying that SMT is coming this year.

Ps2: hopefully something that i am currently working on will fix many issues.

Thank you very much Soulast.
Chaplin was smart in his Disneyland, bloodshed is an integral part of life.

Well, Chaplin did go beyond Disneyland. This video of Charlie Chaplin delivered a powerful speech in 1940 satirical film “The Great Dictator”. The speech was controversial but powerful as it was delivered during the Second World War, when the US was still at peace with Nazi Germany. Though this speech is dated 76 years ago, it’s still relevant to the current age. If you like to hear more please, seriously you might be amazed as I did:

On the end, it is not a comedy..

It is sad that most of us don't look back, to the history. To the moments where humanity made so many mistakes.

Anyways, there always will be some ignorat greedy ppl who do not want to imporve things they just want $$$. And lay down on it.

Won't watch, everything anti-hitler is jewish globalist propaganda.

haha, trust me, it is not anti-Hitler. I would not watch it since I am from Poland......
But, well, I am not here to make you listen. Just eventually show you something that you might find interest.

indeed a now is a lot of shit here. as hard not to get mad but. personal my blog is more inporten then the circle jerking. a do my thing the can do there thing a only hope steemt going to last a few more years.
but a hate the fake happy post but in the end is all about the money

Focus on your work, but realize that the environment you work in plays a big role too.

This line of logic leads to only one illogical solution: steemicide. I've felt similar struggles, and still do in my life. For every cup of water I work for to fight the fires of chaos, the masses are all quietly dumping gasoline on it for a few small returns.

I did not invent this system. Nobody did (other than the few devs, that is). We choose our own existence/reality. Many of us choose to work within the system. The hardest part is choosing the high road, and convincing others to do the same. That takes character, pain, and willingness to fail to learn and grow the slow way.

To be human is to be imperfect. It is our best and worst trait, and it must be exercised so we become better. My belief is that no system created by people is flawless. Not even mathematics.

Steemit, like capitalism is a fools game. There are ways to profit and make a positive difference, but ultimately it is largely manipulated and abused by others for the gain of those who are undeserving and/or cruel. For me, that is not reason to give up. I only change the factors I believe I can change and influence.

No worries. Feel free to rant and blow some smoke whenever you need to. Words are wind.

PS: I really need one of those BS meters. It would be very handy.

I never wrote that I will give up mate, in fact, I wrote what I will do instead.

However, I agree with the rest, Steem is no exception to the rule.

Glad you are made of tougher stuff. I think you are a good, honest witness calling out the bad when you see it. Being in an elected committee is something I have always loathed though. There is always a few rotten eggs who spoil the room and make the others want to run screaming at how awful and unfair they make things for the many people who want to help.

Wow a brutally honest post giving the ugly picture of this platform, haven't been part of it for too long but getting the idea of dirty politics on this platform

It is absolutely disgusting what goes on here.

WoW! Finally some truth on here! Thanks for this @valorforfreedom! I really mean that.

You are always welcome on Steem School Puppet Patch.

Thanks man. I appreciate that.

You know I got your back. I have been told I am mean or an asshole or horrible many times. But I will never lie to you. You may not like what you hear but it will be true. Keep up the good fight.

@doomsdaychassis, I just stopped by to see what I had upvoted. Wow, brutal honesty. I really shouldn't been online.

Hey @valorforfreedom. I know we haven't really met. Last we did, you were willing to do a Q&A post with my teammate about your witness position. Sorry about that, my teammate has been MIA from here. He may have given on this site, to be honest. I feel guilty for asking you back then, and not even having the time to reply. My life is just too crazy, please accept my apologies.

I hope you find balance with Steemit life/witness/BS. I've seen some witnesses honestly try, and others giving up. I don't have time to research all the witnesses on here to see which ones I like. I like doing my due diligence and not follow the crowd. I hope your supporters continue to support you.

No problem Beeyou, if you still want to interview me I am up for it, but do expect that I will talk about ugly truths if I want to.

Thank you DDC, glad to know that and that we share the same opinion!

This is just the bitter truth. Alot of wrong goes on on this platform. Though i believe there is room for improvement with time

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