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RE: Only one Crypto thing to discuss today right?

in #steem6 years ago

It's absolutely a huge issue that there is allegedly no fiat backup stores.. mind blowing. I just made a video calling for total decentralisation of Steem - such that Steemit inc. is just one of many entities co-operating to make Steem work. I also suggest that the reward pool be adjusted to allow payment to community developers for maintenance and tasks completed for the steem blockchain.


Watched the video brother!

I'm working hard to make Steem fully decentralised.

Let's do this together :))

I'm here whenever you need me and I'll try my very best to do add value to your projects

Awesome! Thanks for your enthusiasm and support. I've actually lost witness support as a result of this I think, but this is normal on Steem and the time for worrying about that is long gone. I will be communicating with others on this in the coming days and aim to have something to share soon after.

Saw your video, you make some real valid points. Hopefully Steemit Inc will take them on board.

I think a model that allows devs to rewarded for contributing to steem blockchain development without being employees of the Steemit Inc company is certainly worth exploring.

I imagine such a structure would not be inherently easy to manage - but maybe that's the point - maybe less managing and more decentralised creativity will allow for more options and then the issue just becomes which decisions get made into the live system. This is actually what forks are intended to be about.. We are meant to be ok with having as many forks as there are ideas - which can then be tested and an evolutionary process can unfold as a result. As long as tokens get mirrored on the new forks, then we get to use them all or only one if we prefer. Crypto seems to suffer from serious fork fear sometimes, whereas I tend to welcome them, provided the community understand the purpose and benefits.. and we seek to make the process one that is intended to produce the best results for THE network, instead of deliberately having the aim of creating many networks.

Ultimately, free will means supporting many choices simultaneously and the principle of anarcho in 'anarcho-capitalism' means being free to choose our own paths. We need to find the balance between unity and experimentation!

I agree with you that PoW protocols are designed to fork organically if there is a divergence in views of the best way forward.

DPoS protocols don't have that, although I guess there is nothing stopping someone taking a snapshot of the blockchain and creating a new chain.

I see the balance as being between experimentation vs stability/ security - ideally I like to see blockchains mature to a point where changes to are limited to troubleshooting vulnerabilities and implementing scaling solutions... else it becomes difficult to build enterprises on constantly shifting sand.

Sure, yes, I appreciate the issues there - in Steem's case, practically, this probably means making test forks and allowing the community to experiment with them. To my knowledge this has never occurred and we only have competing networks that started with forks that are totally disconnected from Steem.

Well... I believe there was a plan for a testnet in January for people to test the SMTs changes... that's something at least.

When I asked Ned last week, it was "all on track", I guess now it's being torpedoed!

Oh yes, we do have a testnet afaik for testing Hard Forks - but the forks are always just packaged by steemit inc. and never really altered much. It would be great to see community lead fork options - that would inspire a lot of people I think.

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