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RE: Are Meetups good for Steem? If so how can we encourage more of them?

in #steem5 years ago

Meetups and promo is always great but I think what rly hasn’t helped steemit get far off the ground is it’s obsession with iteslef. It’s not going to bring in new people and big bloggers when the main topics that get rewarded are just steemit related. Time and time again I see talented people get very little and any kind of promo steem thing getting loads of votes even see it on my page and most ppl will just lose interest fast. I personally
Think more emphasis on voting none steemit related high quality posts or high talent posts would help the most.


Its like all the successful people on YouTube only talking about YouTube it needs to get way way way more varied but I guess people need to know they will get more than £1.50a post to put a ton of time into editing content so atm most ppl only create content to put on both channels at the same time.

This is a dilemma which I hope will begin to change with the new curation initiatives starting up.

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