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RE: Finally hit over 1000 Followers. I will be posting occasional Blog posts for the first time in months to prepare for the impending Explosion in Steem's popularity after Communities & HF20

in #steem6 years ago

I think Steem's mascot will be the first celebrity who ends up posting on here and getting thousands of dollars everyday which we will gladly give him as he will be bringing us so many new users that it will push the price of steem up, i am talking the sort of Kylie Jenner that will actually bring us millions of her followers someone who has 100 times more followers on any social media than steem has total accounts! When we have someone like that join, and we will, then we WILL end up with this sort of "mascot"

I mean those Workout Twins who say "BitCone" seem to be taking a liking to Dtube and have been pretty good mascots for now! But I know what you mean

and the truth is, as soon as the handfull of top bitcoin stake holders decide they own enough cheap BTC they will start buying up again and pushing price back up to 20K and over, and that will push STEEM back to $8 as well and then OVER to $10 as BTC is at $25 or $30 and then BOOm we will see INCREASED interest into steem just like we had back at its all time high , it also was steems all time most popular time according to google trends and alexa etc , and its gone down since the price has gone down, totally understandable and natural! only the smart will keep posting and accumulating! AND BY THEN a big celebrity will be joining to try getting a cut of the by then 8 million dollar reward pool given out every week on steem which is much more interesting than the current 1 million dollars worth of steem and sbd given out every week, so imagine when people are making $10,000 posts instead of just $300 posts... by then we will see the big players trying to make an easy buck that way and we WILL see the big celebrities joining in then! By then it will just start to snowball and grow and self sustain like reddit etc. This is the magic of user submitted content. Mixing blockchain and reddit like social media was the most genius idea, user submitted content with a DPOS crypto currency thats generated via consensus based inflation and its actually worth something! So much of Steem is staked up that we end up with a pretty nice system that can create money and actually keep it pretty stable compared to zimbabwe or other times people have tried just printing up whatever they wanted. Our system is so much better as we only print up enough new steem for the market to buy at the prices its used to, the priting of new steem doesnt effect its price, the price is moved around because of mostly Bitcoin! Hopefully we will decouple and steem will move according to steem investors users and not just bitcoin users.

eos is leading the rally today thanks to its 15% voting completed so now we will see if EOS will lead this market back to a bull market like ethereum did for all of crypto last year! Ethereum was the new tech that made crypto interesting again until cryptokitties hold up, and you still needed bitcoin to buy the ethereum , and you needed ethereum to buy EOS LOL but now youll just need bitcoin to buy it as everyone rushes to buy EOS.... so eos will still help bitcoin AND steem! EOS will rise the ride of all crypto!


The Hodge Twins ahaha. Cracks me up with their Bitcone talk lol. Love the way you think man. Hopefully we'll get someone BIG that will join the platform and that will attract millions of more people to join.

I agree once Bitcoin starts picking up the pace things will move forward. I'm very happy my precious EOS just got its main net activated. I feel like this is the catalyst the crypto world has been waiting for. We will see an epic bull run. STEEM EOS BITCOIN will fuckin rise up like phoenixes. Amazing coins that are already changing the world, especially the third world countries where their fiat currencies are worth next to nothing. Keep stacking my man!

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