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RE: Entrepreneurship isn't for Everyone

in #steem6 years ago

Great post @ojuolape. You are absolutely spot on. If it were something everyone could do, then wouldn't everyone be an entrepreneur? Just like here on Steemit. If everyone could be a whale, then why aren't they?

Whether we in the general sense, realize it or not, we are not all cut out or meant to be 'top dogs' For any of it to work you need a few things, which you did mention. The biggest is money. To be an entrepreneur you have to have capital enough to go far beyond the building of the business. You should always have enough capital to run you business for 1 full year, including every single expenditure for that time. Hard yes, impossible no.

With Steemit...the more you invest, the more you post, the more you comment (the more work you do) the faster you will grow. If you slip up, it's not back to square one, but you have to gain that part of your reputation back.

I have been told constantly, do what you love. I REALLY like what I am doing now, however is it worth the cost of being demeaned? Is it worth the cost of not getting paid? I think we need to find the happy medium. If you don't like what you do, then yes find something else. Being that unhappy puts immeasurable amounts of stress on yourself. You have to be willing to give a little in the process too.

You were featured in week 37 of @pifc's Pay It Forward Curation Contest by @mcnestler. Keep up the great work!!

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