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RE: The haejin effect

in #steem6 years ago

Great article @abh12345. One of the first post I saw when I started in Dec was #berniesanders rambling on about #haejin. I saw a few more that mentioned his content was crap. I didn't know what to think being so new. I viewed a few posts and it seemed like a copy and paste job with some pictures thrown in. Still not too up on crypto(even though I understand the basics)but what I did notice that I did understand all of his votes were the same people and a good portion had xx at the end of their names. So I figured they were fake accounts he was using to upvote himself. Which if I have read some other articles correctly, that is one of the main issues. I really consider this a whale war. mainly due to the fact the flagging has gotten to be malicious. #haejin had started flagging posts by people who spoke out against him in some of bernie's posts. I think issue should be taken. Agree that one of the worst characteristics of him is the fact he doesn't upvote anyone. I think it was a post you had done showing witness activity and to see how little he contributes to the community and how much of the reward pool he gets, he should lose % for not upvoting. I could be totally off base here.


bernie has done the same thing, even worse he flags planks and minnows. such a hard issue really. no one has been innocent in this. i see planks, minnows and dolphins flagging too. taking sides is rough work.

It is and I do remember that happening, thank you for reminding me. I think that's where everything is completely out of hand. I don't think either are right. It seems personal from them and I have seen postes where bernie has dared him to come after him because he'd just upvote himself. Just crazy.

i'm with you on that 100 percent.

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