STEEM Wins Free Listing on Netcoins

in #steem6 years ago

It's official - STEEM wins a free listing on Netcoins!!

Way to go everyone who voted. The more exposure for STEEM, the more value is created for everyone in this community!


We won with over 20K votes...but realistically people, that's only a tiny fraction of the over 1 million Steem accounts in existence. And we, like many others, voted multiple times to do our part, so that's an even tinier fraction of accounts who voted.

Looks like even the attention economy does not escape the free rider problem 😂 Enjoy the value added everyone!!!

Congrats to STEEM for winning a listing on Netcoins worth $30K!

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YAY for Steem!! This is a great success, 20K votes! Just imagine what could have happened if everyone actually cared and took the time to add their mojo to the pot. Thanks for sharing this fantastic news.

I vote 7 times in a row, didn't miss a single day... I am wondering, where are the 997,142 user of steem community?

hooray! well done STEEM! It doesnt matter who voted (I only voted once) - if it was 5000 people voting 4 times each, thats cool, it still shows that the power of our community is a huge attribute - 5000 enthusiastic people is not to be sniffed at!

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