I Asked 4Chan What They Think of Steemit, Here's What I Got!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

/Biz/ over 4chan is my go to place when I want to kill some time. The shilling, the fud, the racial jokes, the nudes, and the occasional crypto-investing tip that actually makes sense make quite a joyful and fun place! 

What always surprised me though is that I have never seen Steemit mentioned. Not even once! And believe me, all coins whether small or big get shilled there on a daily basis. So, while I was laying in my bed I decided to post a lazy message. No harm in it after all, just free advertisement for steemit!

Surprisingly, most of the replies I got where right on spot!

Edit: Some of the images below appear blurry. Just open them in a new window or zoom with your browser!

Let's see them:

The first reply I got is quite accurate! Yep, as we all know there's plenty of whale jerking going around here and true, one way to succeed is heavy manipulation. 

But it's not the only way to succeed! I started from zero, with zero guidance, zero investment (heck even my nickname sucks!) and I have made quite a lot of free steem just by working hard and posting quality content... Ok, not always quality, a man has to indulge in some ol'fashioned shitposting here and then!

As for him spending 10 hours only to make 3 $, let me tell you something buddy. I used to be somewhat successful in affiliate-marketting in the past, and still make a small passive income from that days. Steemit is the easiest place to make money online! 10 hours are nothing if you plan to make money from your own website or blog! Not to mention the research you need to make for monetization methods, setting up your own website, buying a host, ad-placement etc. If you want to make money blogging, Steemit is the best place! 

Then came the usual insults. Wish I had gotten more of them XD

I had to google nu-male. According to urban-dictionary "Nu-males are men (with "men" being used as loosely as possible) lacking self-respect who are completely devoid of any masculinity and will jump at any moment to defend women online for feminist brownie points while falsely believing that in return, they'll receive sexual favors. They're a step above "Nice Guys" in terms of beta they are.".. 

Well, I am not jumping to defend anyone other than my food..and my dog! So they got that wrong!

As for wagecuck, in my real 9-5 job I make about 500 euro after taxes per month. Which for most Greeks is the average, if they manage to land a job cause unemployment has really mooned over here! With the current price of Steem it takes me just 2-3 posts to make the same amount of money!  

True, I didn't make this amount of money from the start! But if you put work in the platform, the platform will reward you. So, thanks to steemit I can say I am definitely not a wagecuck! And I am sure many other people from poor countries who "work" hard here can say the same! Take that biatch! 

Let's move on to the next message:

Can't disagree with that! We need more normie (high-quality) content!


No1 & No2 make a good point. Without communities and with the current crappy tagging system it's really hard to get around here and find good content. And with more people coming everyday, it gets worse and worse. 

The third guy is right though. That's because he is me! Hopefully, when communities finally come the site experience will improve!

Another legit problem that needs to be solved! I have a friend who never got the sms and similarly lost interest. Hopefully the next fork will fix this!


If we exclude the racial joke, this guy also makes a good point. Unfortunately the platform is filled with people posting plagiarized articles, nice post comments and other utter-shit and expecting to make millions of dollars. And I agree bots only make this problem worse. The second guy is again me, giving a lazy reply and not proofreading. I meant to say *"That 15 steems".

His reply to my reply also makes sense. My lazy reply is unfortunately as good, if not better, then the average post ον Steemit! We just need more high quality posters and more real content consumers here! Fortunately, this has started to change in the last few months. Just see all the big talented youtubers joining us, like @tjkirk and @furiouspete123 :)

And that's all the replies I got before the topic got locked due to inactivity. You can check out the thread by clicking here if you want.

Overall, to my surprise the 4chaners raised some valid points and concerns! Maybe I will do that again sometime in the future!

See ya tomorrow!  


All are very valid points. I am just starting out but the whale circle jerk and bots are super annoying and in my opinion hurting the platform.

The whale circle jerk and the bots are indeed freaking annoying. "Oh XYZ said this and that and this other thing" don't care. If I wanted drama I'd watch big named YouTubers. Seems the bigger someone gets regardless of platform, the more they like to dive head first into drama.

I left 4chan during the 4th exodus. Not gonna lie, it's been rather difficult to find a community as unfiltered and raw as old 4chan. It's changed in the last 5 years, but at least it looks like some of the boards haven't changed much.

Now, to the points that they make, networks that have incentivized earnings built into them draw a lot of bots and spammers for obvious reasons. There was one network I used to be part of called Tsu that had to IP ban the entire country of Pakistan because of the volume of spam and low quality content. They're right that there are a lot of AIPAC members here on Steemit, but that comes with being a global network. Hell, I've met people from India, Iran, UK, Germany, Netherlands, and Venezuela here on Steemit, to name a few nations. It comes with the territory.

The site does have a long ways to go in terms of quality of life. But at the same time, you can't just jump in here and expect to make millions right away. You have to learn the landscape and find your niche. Certain whales do need to fuck off, though.

Also, OP is a fag. :P Love you too, buddy!

No! You are a fag 😂😂😂

Thanks for the great comment!

Nice write up!

I generally have the same feelings towards steem(it) for both the positive and negative aspects mentioned above!

Of course I’m not that patient and decided to invest in a lil SP myself - to try and kickstart my curation abilities (rewards too let’s be honest.)

I was also lucky enough to get some SP delegated to me as well (thanks @motoengineer, forever grateful.) And in turn I’ve delegated some SP out as well!

The third guy is right though. That's because he is me! Hopefully, when communities finally come the site experience will improve!

Δεν παλεύεσε!

post ον Steemit!


The second guy is again me, giving a lazy reply and not proofreading. I meant to say *"That 15 steems".

Καλά το είχες γράψει για να καταλάβει την έννοια και στη λέξη «steem» θα ‘λεγα πως δεν χρειάζεται το «s» για να το γράψεις στο πληθυντικό


Hahahahahahhahahaga that was a typo probably changed the language by accident! Investing a small amount definitely helps here although it's not mandatory! Hit me up on steemit.chat ( same username) if you want some tips to grow faster here comrade :*

Egine thank you!

Hehe you still have a weird humor my friend @trumpman, but that's what makes your charm I think ^^. It's always interesting to learn more every day and there you make a lot of contribution for that.

Having some communities or sub sections would be nice. I am sure something liek that will be added eventually. Right now we are like an odd youtube that only lets you have 5 tags.

I'm not on 4Chan or anything, but I am curious what people outside the Steemit Bubble are thinking about Steemit... So I had a lot of fun reading your post! Cool you just opened the topic over there! I find it interesting there seems to be sort of 'in-depth' knowledge about the system and it's workings, and their conclusion is "nah, not good enough".

I'm a 'normie' content maker by the way, and the ones I'm following are mostly 'normies' as well. I don't feel alone on Steemit at all! But my first impression was as well: 'only crypto or Steemit Meta Content Makers'. In fact, I always found articles on Steemit via Google if I searched for crypto.

Interesting to see in a year what the opinions are on 4Chan/Reddit/others :-)

"As for him spending 10 hours only to make 3 $, let me tell you something buddy. I used to be somewhat successful in affiliate-marketting in the past, and still make a small passive income from that days. Steemit is the easiest place to make money online! 10 hours are nothing if you plan to make money from your own website or blog! Not to mention the research you need to make for monetization methods, setting up your own website, buying a host, ad-placement etc. If you want to make money blogging, Steemit is the best place!"

Love it!!!!

Those complainers have no idea what hell waits for them if they try to make money online with other methods. While here on steemit you can for example just find a couple of generous whales and just leave some smart and funny comments and make a nice complementary income... Just by commenting!

To any arguments that put down steem(it), I respond, like you did: show me any way that's easier to make money online, faster, with no credentials, with immediate ability to cash out.

Still the more serious bloggers prefer to write and comment for no compensation than post here. There's a lot to blame, but one main reason is the interface and functionality. I mean, what's the main difference for example between Medium and Steemit? I don't think it's the whales.


You gotta love how they have words for everything in English!

Exactly! Most of the complainers usually have no idea and zero experience making money online. Its difficult, way more difficult than just getting a simple real job.

Too much crypto talk... for somebody who joined here and was a crypto-noob yeah definitely! But crypto built this platform, so it's kinda normal if you think about it.

Obviously, there needs to be much more regular content to bring more users into steemit, but it's happening as we speak and I could forecast with a usual crystal ball, that in 6-8 months we're gonna have more regular content than we can handle... or close to it :)

Spammy accounts with low rep should have their delegated SP reappropriated - technically it's not theirs - and they won't be much trouble anymore.

You're right, Steemit is an amazing n rewarding platform if you put in time n effort into it.

About tagging, I would say, there should be a menu at the top that contains your posts according to the tags. Instead of having all the posts under Blog, there should be categories according to tags.

However, Steemit is still something new. It will evolve over time n keep getting better with time. Keep Steeming. It is much more than an ATM.

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